Show DAIRY AND POULTRY INTERESTNO CHAPTEPS FOR OUR RURAL itcADEns Him AnrrrMfal farmers operate This I llrparlnirnt of the Cormt I rw films w4 In the Care ol Ufa Stock and Poultry Ilortnrlne Yawl N TIII lA 11COf I poultry culture J i II Davis Iho author m au-thor SA es DoctorIng Doctor-Ing fowl Is time t pu1 It I ever cured n A land ot any suite lion I do not Know I It Ot course n few got well but they might aye got well nod I left them alone And I believe that I have killed scores of good birds by I doctoring them by Attempting to I do something I was entirely Ignorant of 11 far ni the rautn or the proper remedy to bo employed Is I concerned con-cerned If there are any genulno remedied reme-died which I doubt llowsre of drug and condition powder In the poultry yard Nature does not demand such thing When you use them you violate vio-late nature and practically weaken debilitate de-bilitate and finally destroy entirely file vitality of jour bird It took mo years to learn tide Ant If others will profit by my experience they will save money time and much worry A fowl that hu to bo pampered with drugs to keep It on Hi feet U I worthleti It n fowl be very tick drugs will not nave It but hasten Its demise It only slightly slight-ly oiling the bird will get well without medicine Dccapltato roupy fowl Is and cremate their bodies If the fowls have cholera remove tho well one ton to-n clean location and thoroughly do odorlio and clean up the old house and yards Itcmovo the lick and ailing bird to distant quarters feed them on boiled rice and give them scalded milk to drink for a tow day and they way recover It they get worso under this treatment kill them and cremate their bodies Ando treat all the affliction to which fowls are subject Tills Is I the common sense way of managing them Finally I have no faith whatever In medicines for sick fowls and furthermore further-more I believe thousands of fowls arc kilted every year by drugs Quo trouble trou-ble In l that the dovtorlrg of fowls la I merely guess work Such a thins as a correct diagnosis li Impossible Hut when a fowl U tick wo are Inclined to doctor It more especially If the bird bo valuable Wo think the fowl will die I If something li I not done for It And BO wo take the risk and give It some medicine lilt or mix If tho fowl survives sur-vives the does of medicine and the affliction af-fliction wa give ourselves tho credit for the cure and are thus encouraged I to repeat the dosing process whenever opportunity often Our experience U II that nine sick fowls out of every ten dlo It they are badly sick There Is only one affliction that I ever have cured or can euro or oven now try to cure and that Is gapes In chicks I happen to bo very Inllmnto with a man that happen to paso as n fancier although ha has had but a year or two of experience with a tow fowls In a closet at homo ho had a hundred pounds of Quacks condition powders or OBit food m warranted to make hens lay and keep them healthy On the shelves were bottled of castor oil Douglas mixture tincture of Iron sulphur quinine calomel calo-mel salts pain killer several preparations prepara-tions for roup cholera gaped eta It was a mlnlaturo drug store and all for the fowls I saw him kill several of his best birds by dosing them with castor cas-tor oil at night for they were dead In the morning Since then ha has sold 1 off all his fowls and quit breeding and declares there Is no profit to him lu the business IlauIII terletlre 01 Chicken Longshans Iangslmns are the smallest and most active of tho Asiatic cleec Thor lirA a practical fowl In more senses than one and their prolific pro-lific laying and excellent qualities make them a profitable fowl for tho farmer and market poultryinan They are ono of the oldest varieties of poultry and have always been held In popular esteem es-teem The shape of Langshans Is distinct I dis-tinct from that of the II rah in a or Cochin Co-chin and should not bo confused with either of the lastnamed varieties Laagshans have white flesh nnd dark leg while the others are yellow skinned skinn-ed and ysllowleegcd The quality Af tho flesh of tho Lnngihan Is excellent being One grained tender and nicely 1 flavored As lasers they rank limon to from twelve tho best averaging thirteen dozen a year and as winter layers they are to bo recommended Tho chick are hardy and mature early Ixingelianfl are good sitters and mothers moth-ers bring of gentle deposition they confinement or on are sadly kept In free rang Being excellent forth for-th y are Ideal fowls for the farm ana will gather during tho renr n conld amble proportion of their food The IAlnpltan Is I a stylish mediumsued bird not overgrown or gawky In OP pearanco of active nature and lively disposition Many confound the Black Ixtngshan with the Black Cochin This need not be ns the following comparison compari-son between the two varieties shows Tho lllack Cochin Is square In shape with heavylooking neck nnd legs plenty plen-ty of fluff and leg feathering cushion rising from middle of back to tall tall short small and almost concealed by cushion neck breast cushion and tall all represented by convex line Lanc shan head small for size of body comb medium died well up In front and arch shaped Cochlu head larger than that of the Langshan and not so arched arch-ed over tbn eye comb smaller low In I front and almost straight on top of serrations ser-rations 1mgilmn back short good conclave that of theCochin medium length slightly convex anti largo convex con-vex cushion tangshan fluff moderate I ant close that of the Cochin extremely wings some < full nnd loose hangshan I what largo and Inclined downward I quite prominent nt shoulders tho Cochin Co-chin wings smaller nnd almost hidden by Ibo fluffy plumago of cushion and I I fluff Langshan breast full deep and i carried well forward Cochin breast not so full and deep but broader Lnngshan legs medium I In length small bone long I tapering toes rotI tn shank blulih I black showing pink between scales which are nearly black Cochlu legs shorter stouter larger bone toe shorter and stouter color ot shanks black or yellowish black There are two varieties of tangslmns tha lllack and tho White Tho Dlack In plumage of neck back saddle sickles a glossy I I I I 1r1 I PAIR Or BLACK LANOSIIANS metallic black with grftnlsh sheen I breast primaries secondaries tall Hurt shank and too fathers black Tin I undercolor Is I black or dark elate Ths I White Ixingshan Is pure while throughout through-out The standard weight of cocks for both varieties Is I 10 pounds hens 1 pounds cockerels 8 pounds and pullets pul-lets G pounds Cow Milk far rl The Live Stock Journal has IH following fol-lowing remarks on tho feeding of foals with cows milk When the milk of the dam proves Insufficient for the yning foal It should bo supplemented by cows milk Indeed In any case If It Is t desirable to force the growth an4 condition of foals cows milk may to freely given to It In addition to two or three feeds of oats dally Many thoroughbred thor-oughbred foals are choi cows mil In almost any quantity both before and after weaning trill Mr William Day tho celebrated breeder nnd trainer train-er believe without any evil results While recommending mix for the young animals In the early stage of I cxlstcnco when following the dam tie same authority strongly ituiotintenin CeM the ricllco of giving them beans pea oilcake or any MnJ of uuidl monls or comllmcntal food Cows milk being cnnrlderably pocicr In MI charlno matter than that of fill mere should bo sweetened by HID iMJion tt sugar to make It more palatable to the foal as well as moro nutritious by Iml > latins as closely as poislbia the natural nat-ural product nt the nitre It Is well not to supply foals with milk from herds known to contain tuberculous subject although Ibo hoi no II not like cattle nnd human beings l very luiccptlble to tuberculosis Still In valuable stud oven the chance tf Infection should be avoided Prices of Duller and Cb eeTbe relation existing between the cheese and butter solids of milk 10 I ouch that tho producer receive equivalent values val-ues for his milk when tho whriluaalo prlco of butter IB approximately two nnd onohalf time ns much na It Is for choose When the ratio of prices Is I loan than this milk can be nude Into cheeoo with morn profit At the present writing Ibo market quotations of butter aro about twice those of cheese nnd It should bo noted last greater activity Is being shown In cheese circle this spring then has heretofore been the case fur tome year need a good agricultural paper If you want to know how agriculture Is jro cresslnc |