Show IrmUm1fJN TrIW I II I II I 1rsow ora RLAO IteNwr10R I V4uiminx lilt 17 IcC l There A trlnn queiMa tot Vei Idly I-dly belwren lion lohnjhrrinin lr I rotary ol Slate and a number prominent promi-nent newfpupcrinen ol WntMiutnn aid ol New York eonrernlnf refliln nl I lernncrt olllr Hlirnnan un Ihe ai u tlnallon of the Kpinlli Premier and lit irobibl eftVrl ii > on eI bii snit on the general attitude of Knulaiid toward the I United Slid whloli were pilblllie l t Inttroie i wild Mr Sherman Tie neiftpiprr men who are union tin limit prominent III tilt bililneo ilf 1 rlare lint llr Khermtn 0601 l elm Ion I Kiiauelliey iiMled suite Mr 8h rmtn ditltre in Hi einpliKtloallir boll verb ally and In A tUnrd IOiiiniunlciit on lu a laud paper that he dM not Thin eontroveriy horn revlvnd llm Inlk lout age lelllnit wean Ihe loenlllei of Mr Sheinun which was ijulle preralei when he left WathlngtniiBemal dr bofore the adjournment of OmgreM It waihinperroiml rlendt who birth Ian Ivan I Iv-an tn talk alalut hull fillln memori Mr Shrrnian la I Ill hit revenlyflfth fear but the world It dill cr men older than he wh < nu menial hrtiltlet nr at their belt lilxiurer what dlirerrnt clew l ore taken of the turn Iilltlg When 41 ee retury Alr kink clnr H nl the Wor lit I imrlment ho found it ryulem under nblch the witrliniPli of tint lepert meat iiiitdn dally refnirl of the liilntf mid ivinln i ol the clerk and prompll > abollthol llevlnt Hint teller re tillt bxobtalneil by I pulling tlie clftkt on llitr honor Sow the abol hh1 l lynlem ol the War lrpnttnint hm beenailopltxl hv llm Trrnfiiry Pi I purtmrnt There h to 101l1L of the good Inlen 1101 Secretary llliln lulling llmt otUelal warning In llm Klomllkeliound pulill which wan pnlilUhrd Ihl week Nor It I lucre ally doubt that nil tie dancer IIIII UI1 t l In this miming mist sn and more but Him vn heart olanon silk tin gold lertf In hula vrlniUlinr lurre < l add by warn 01 danger ahead 01 litin It It 1 generally llll1v1 l tlat blue IJ ordlnary Hale airalr thown by Ihe lneilluatlon Into the incthnli follow olby John Wedderlmni A On which cKiinil 1 Unmmlitlonor ol lnUiit Itul lerworth to prefer chargeonl I Iraudulenl produce aniilnltliat linn nnd to cite them in how cauoo shy they rhould not bo dlilmrOl from iiructlcn teem LIe Talent Olllnt mrttM 1 n good purpoto by burr lug up thin now regulnllont lor practice lotorn lint olllcu which Illu been promulgated 1 by 0 < iiiniliilnni > r llullerHorlh and which am bound lo retull In Unefll to Ihe Inv nton ur the country It h I In exldence In the rROt 1I1lln1 VtililprluirnA Colhlll ulinot M xr cent ol lion applliMlloni 1 for pat Ont they have tiled during the part two year have been rejecled no nnpnl cntatlii and many ol Ihu renmlniler probitbly InurfUlhi hllll not been fonildcied Horlti tbu nook ofn patent Yet In addition to thelrliei In advance for I protpcutlng Iliio nppllintlont lor United Stole < ilenln tint llrni Ills I purtuadtd many ol thus I xmr nppll canta to pay Ihem fits lor applying lor llmoprnn l tentt snot money far ndver tiling Inr lixle I pntenUthat they should bao known would lutveneMT Veen ob talncd hvnator llanibroiigb al North Dakotn but IIP Wit In Vnihlngton title week wiitnt worrying about IIIUMI er other public airilrt nn IIDIUWO to MW Mls UhapnianloHlimn lin will bo marrletl next MomUy New Perk lu view ol the lara Mini trl mlny llm Rrampi lime rimrived from this government In Uf iharW in > niluiii < Ir peeIIneropsof i tlw I nuninent In tnu Harci l they have MiHtlor the government Ihtie wa much mrprlw In Wellington when they IWn tail In the CUIIIol Glolmt ngolnat the Unllnl blal 11IVtfll1ll0tJ1 for iUiiin 11I nggrt eotinglt78r11a10 > hHIl they rlalm Iu I lme itntnlnul by r 4 > IUIAJ and I il dtfauU on tin 1011 ol the norvruwunt in uifitahlnj tbe trmor platy nud pUn whirr the biUtlvthlH MawaeliMMtU I luwn soil Iitdiaga nod tlie waiter New York Brooklyn and Columbia I wirvlMtiigcunttruetwlly tliaiu VVlillo I Congraw IIM nolbinif w du with the Court ol Clalini It II I IIIIIIW thai UMimbeit ol CoufiM who think the Cnunn bar been exceedingly well trot ed In nil ttielr dealing with HID I overn went will hiive nomnlnng tn my alwut them claltosuext winter f a y |