Show 400 ° ° not 200 i Two San Francisco grocers Rirrg Bros and T Salomon won 10000 each because they sent the most yellow ticket before June isth i But grocer and clerks can get more tickets than other I consumers i so we also paid toooo each to the two persona named below Mrs Win Font Winnemucca yet tar tickets MM L Iutng 819 ilryant Street San l mncixt 71 ticket Mrs During got a number friends m San Frmcisro and near by one keeps a boarding house to give her their tickets and she used the tea hcr s clC By the way she uses Schilling s ttttt baking powder and extracts too bad she doesnt know how good Stftillinjfs dies spices are I But she says the extracts and Bilking powder are wonderful A woman in Stockton who keeps a restaurant came very I near getting a prize She dcscntf one for supplying herr customers such good tea 1 Better read our advertisement daysome contain suggestions how to win the prize Bjr the way grocers cant compete for the l of 15000 prizes oiTsred for the most yellow tickeU one envelope beUeen June rjth and August jut They tan however compete for the JIDOOOO prize 84 SCHILLINGS BEST TEA sal > FRANttlSCO j ICASH BARGAINSTDREi COALVILLE UTAH i De ea lsr in M en II MB erC I nmse I Cash Bargain Store Coalvflle SOY D E N SIR U 5TO RjE 4 Prescriptions Filled HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE WTJONEW COA VILLE COAL AT THE WHIM MINE GRASS CREEK Lump + 200 Lump and Stove M ixedi i 175 Stove 150 Produce taken m payment JOSEPW BARBER I mi oh I EtGt ell IS tiwig uA M OS NOINn stinAnta 1I5 I J ly 0W aaqpy ao3ir xoers ntoil U OS tsaa13ge11 t Illrw + 11 rouOleJJt U auaI atvr war It ivPua1w aauow tar nuawnJ + ntli t1tlWrraall try too nrlylt + t lutt 4l it DUatatllr lAanu 1 ouhuYJJUUwtnlatwalk 1 xJ I1 e rl j > 0 silhplwl teal tlyt + I tuatd Yalr Ui v r ol f 1lril1 f frI i ruwwtq ai rear vj u yleia rla4w 7u + Ard 0641411 NCII air au pea awl Il wraY 114iawW1 I LWivw Iwlrnma I JII Io I hinw cal ulp = Inotl Ylur I uolnoaiMphxltmpuK I t1 If 117111 MOdnO3 uaW Oeamo4w J10 71 JOl tJ 11 act 711 nIN 00g3S tttrlypsU ttaugyt lIt0lLV 10110100 y1 at OID n1 soqel4tllr UIlAAOUV 101 r 0 wzna0aaCaay IY + oi Jtuogl lanhuoaa lltaIn11Yt 1511 tot wIlruVUrkODUS a 1alttliana m > aiwNtaat 1006 Jl e + vuela 4101 pwnl DUS Yrs plOU m all 0lrf aYl 041060 ratan 061 u 1 3 arteW a41t 11Jr urY + tt Jo Y1rn NIHq + t 10 11 I r + II lu 3m 71wo4 auirtw waH JN tNIHq l i 1J4e1 3o 4DIli lastNSJr tlnD 401Oil 1N Cr a = l r i + I I W I 1 1 qa lot a 1l S call a1M lal m J rn 14101 1 0 1 + + J ll l laIIn nlr Iai II 503 41414111 + + 1 + t l 1p mstu + 1 uYo11 r la101 4laaitJu wN plat loll0611 r1N 1aYal U llalalyD1r lrtuJ tt iu1 d 009 iIll 11aa1 uloptuy 3141 IAN 1Ir uwl Daaoo 10 J1I la1 arn al 1aaye Lila 3411 41001 4 If 3115114 11l 511 IIOJ OUO Wtt 411Dt1 l aNa Y1411u111 4W 1r 11 W y l p1w 1741 CIOL 1wWIYY 0 auA UI9 w3lnna p I al r qvu o pJ I rd a1 1IIfal 0 50445 1150i 350 3Jape1l0 1 1 14 + 4 13 1 11041 MIIO lAat G aeat aan IIJ 1JtSJ i11506 r 111010 arc Sl nne trr YWJet i J N so2V ne 00Y 500I1tttVIJ Ir 1stq r 7 tU11 aalueo a yJI1 u + n llr 411 i atui1 M1 1 FI tuW11w1q raalo Itltl h t putintrl nw 1 1o ahoy 41 aiielo IV IMtlq Ilnl 0 q IJUwt vl1a pat wa13 p + nSal 1ln1 aanmu1 1 I II 14515 ytlarspt ti11ru4fuaqo1tuld JW1vaiPSualrwi 3o vi m nI 1111 I Mtliuxt4A4ol I II I V I J I 1 luuna aoS eat ON I i L u 11010 OI gllw + L + qw n11q aq p060 > r Y5laita 1 JatrJm Jas Ia 1 1 n mt t bu 11x0tnl loSoIl11a4il1 + a 141hwrp 1 < liylag7u1pa4paw w an I J alaao ttlad bJ 7u a mrri a1 fto c ulxtaally ssrllJOUOy a Iou itoJalbltrtd ogle1Ytt 10010110 On erIr0Y1 JYr aawn Yap 010 I sIU 1111310111 II 40tu0 M ayolltIddrli v pmit Inln ellanri srourtt I ii1SIl1t p S31IH3 UVIIItjiUII JIIII Os I 00100LOYanh1WAOLOula Anll AINO j CoalvilleCo op Come see our c t < > < l COn C-On Ladies Kid Gloves Muslin Underwear Waists Hose Pl1iaes on Dresss Goods Cut Right Square in Two Coalville Coop CHILDRENS LADIES AND SLIPPERS AND LOW SHOES in nil the fashionable styles and colors Gall and examine them Iwill guarantee My Prices are Lowest in i the City Ladies and Childrens hats wilt also 6c sold nt priccMo cult thctiutcsllCuUb I have a full line of READY MADE WRAPPERS SKIRTS AND SHIRT WAISTS MAGGIE SALMON = Its different If 1 A man will buy an exnei lvn ulrvl 1 rod Una H I ilnliu rich l a finl ol lxpwlaiyr i halt n nnilun 11 pall lulnnun lure H loot Ooh nil day n i IPre1S you I worth ol thou ju > t loinlrli I n iulf liuin paorjlttlvlitli i you II Hint he wouldn take an n gll trout bN downtown IKlll down-town Ile 1 rouM haw iriinu d nin lo the nirkp and wont IwuKiit I all the hit tin IIUllllt 10r1 il 1 rent THAT carefully I UI 1111 I nln ll a taro ultuh for big Ull h but In new but ol funoiUolMi unit e Cilnilot une of lb bait lib mnlag I i count Iti tllircrrnt when juu ifutm Inly Clothrt Wlivn YOU Ixiil > ounliiw niul lliiiu I > y tnomilctortlotl pretty l the tllKHKS NCIFVN IN I IT YMi ciiit pay ui Inn tmirli JI ulO for clothe I for we wont lot you Vfu IjLMllMi and FOIt TUA1IE wllli I the rlruugmt line ofUlnthen wv tl tlt cost Lover 1 had Wure Ilililnu I tor Umln i with pflA61s7ao stylish inil iIO nlluuol butts for mon Suit In alls oul you 1rIoiI ere Klmvlotn nml Illtuk dual 111110 Ores < lor II = Nil goods ril1Ijo Ijo Ws 9 htcili We aiu nilchlim I 10111 nun with I W IWM 20 7 will JW Son l PI fiillo SiUln mmlo to nieaiarp In Ihv krineit nipmnn niul l Iniputlvl Cloth Three Iniliiilo you rile linen anliiiirif UroiJclctliH and I I nrnttHlifroni buy Krnnce VV t of KniilAinl t nml thu HnMt ivrninn frond fDl l wilt j rlc TIIliltKS VALI11 FUll YOI Vull neiori at know Imwyooil a wit yonomonoy sill buy until you buy at UATbII II I molMMINI B Oar Foil son Winter Uni it now 11I11I1I11lrlnlu avor IIIllIit hM 065 how III atylo 1 and colorings My patron allll the publirfenernllystlhple + uu note that niter August let WaliamaerSllrol111 sill 11 Pxpru0 IIllIrll 011 11111 weola 011 niter that foil Our clock 1l1olnrlllll A ltil lion of IIOUI unci hliotv nat Qlllls tNt Xli r1XA unci I tl1 uttolIIt1Es VJ V1ig 11 MRS M E RHOADES mss Tiu MILLINER COALVILLE UTAH llnsjiihl rirrlrril u hriulirul Idle or Midsummer 1 Dress Hats and for one week a special sale of 50 dress hats at 5oc 75c and 1 well worth 2 each See them |