Show r Wake up Farmers Why do you tarry so long Several who are eiuHng mil i1 Crystal Creameif nro making lay or more IT month from IB t ow Our itamUrd ol ofte rmrhouvtpr MI I I for tin oonhrr Why nut lot no dlitrlhule I 1WC for thin t roniingcar ilMncinbrr r that huller Im dues I not buy lBi hazy nor onilanv I l liMi floor lrutrrty In our wld Mnior nor mutlgMP 1 1 tuacltooery nor innrluairnl rr bottle I hut It rl luiyo Fold r nt tin Oryta iitsTti < uitnit to o t iiiiis Iiti rr t IOasukasl e lOt 11I111 III I I I lii 111I11 I when I tervttl my oountn M I n private In I Company A 107tb Ill limtUmdH VoUnUNTi I roolrudtd I I chronn dlnrrhoea II hue glen tuna limit dual nf uoulili tttr line fI I hint in I a < loiii limticnt muditlnni aid i 0011 ii p imintnt di 1 lorn without pr 1 ioniiitiliel Sol IHIK i agon ntnd ar m + HIV n MIII pli hutllo of haioUir ilalna wl obi Oh ilcrn mid IHnirl < < < illemcd and iifUr thai I Ixmnlit and took it 000 cent hotlUi l and blow l lt lean my that I urn entirely cured I rminol Iw I Ihaiikful Hionwb to yon hr fur lobo grost llmitxJy null renoiuinuil It to all iiir rliK vLturmii If In > twill > t-will mo Yonm gratefully lleiny I KldiUriitir Allunion PA Hold by John lodrn t Son 70 011 l1I1I hit regular li < < IIII < uouwins tlon for Ibla eraaoo wlllbv lipid In till I Itrlck Mionl IIOIIM Cool will Kliiiilnc prompllv nt I i ntluk n in AiiKuit 1 Appllcanti will i < apply i thiiiirpitM duo ln and Ink All county 1clwrI wlllU t < reinlit l lo nrlllirnlB i II I H l MtVmKWCoiinly finpl Pomo for tin komii for twenty and ionic for filly yearn IIv miflried from I pile and then IIa M been quickly and 1 I i crniaiunlly court by mln DrlMltli Wild llaul halio Jnhn HoyMn Son 1h Itlr tllIII IfOt WS Alliold vviKrulibiiiiuliit toe I halloo U Ktnlfi liilllule Soil lake I i rlll r t 11 II j ieteuclvtooglinlterl000 iinionlal from nil cliiivvi on lion rurteful lituilniciil lalooo Khui under boo ilmnju at tlul I KI l Hley luttltule Write him for Pr tlculari I Dont tutu tojr hloolMltb auta Or pOlfOll llwllll I IlllMMIMIIIlttt bid imturoly uiliiK ot DuWllti lior Knrly Klirra I iho fumoui little pill for ton Hpntlon biliouinvM and lomach and liver trouble limy are putlly vcue table John lloydin A bun Tli iHoirtAimi l < ulla of tVwIlltM Iwo iMuml A Uoiimni Kdlllonof Ihll Wvilfhdd New f hnirlnii dots nf tprill UM llmpapw 1 U 11111 with iiiHtur nf InUritt lu women mid wi < nolltrb lion following from n ttirriipoml mil which Ilio wlltor prlntxl ivullilny that It treats upon a matter vlliil Im porlaiico to their eon Tho heat l rvmtnly for croup 10111 and broprhllli Unit I havnlwm able lo bind U Chain l < rlaln Cough rinnedy 1or faulty uw It ban 1 no tlptal I iihnlly rmoin inriid II Yb end AO real bollhii for sale hi John lloydtn A Hon TKimmte AtinmNT It Ian I rilbtc ntrlrlvnl lo b I Imrinnl or araldrol lint I tloe peon and agony and the frliihlful dlbgotrnuonbtr In Le qulkiy utartoulr wllhnui If mini n soar by niliiu De Will1 Ultih Haul Halve John i lloyiliii I A Soon I Postofflce Store PjOA Summit Co 5 Utah 0 F LYONS icncral loonier In All Kinds of STaTlOJlERYANI ANI > = SOHOOL SUPPLIES nut S S SALOON Wo now carry n liner of goods that in jtmllty have never been urjmsied lu Coalvillc The irttnd oi t WINE LIQUORS AND CIGARS i 1 fast received If you wnnt n good drink or cigar give us n call SnllSON SWAI SON DR Wv = SICK t J fS r1A 1 I 41 j 1 IJJ > J RESIDENT DENTIST Coilillle Ulafj i DOtrVIMlIOIMIIMiSIOOr M 111 ljr iMtjr Thiir ilMtifinlnif M 7lM 0t T 1fb 1 torUuil l iiliiU r rnta I M I IfVNKo x u WSMAUCK HSVIIKIt Sooy f BI1UUclt Nlliit Attorney at Law a Notary Public band biiiincui ittundtd to iyOltee IMO door north of Ktnka llou Co > lvlllr Iuh + JAmS It HOSMKH M D riijkltlau and Sur ion oriiui AT ui HIHI NOK Coulvllln OlDcn liouri flout I In in In Up 1 in and 7 p m 0111 N bra eon thauW uoservr loan police 0e lIr Ioeslblg pot IL S IIJIIUU N jl IlIYSICIAN ANIlSUKORON I OllliMitCluirilulHli ur tiny l calls nt Jolin lUijclm tcnt Drug Mom nui6 i WI IIUIIU I NOTARY IUIILIC liiNitiitit UTAH n Collections promptly midt G Obe 0 b o Barer Sf tOp J 1 Abtttlotllu front j I Shaving Tickets Siio for too I IUIJUC TIJUJIHONU IN j CONNECTION Two door toulh or Itwort Saloon 1 JOHN SHERMAN Proprietor SUMMIT COUNTY Marble Works Hoytsville Utah Before you send your money out of your county get our prices on Granite mid Marble Monuments Headstones etc Work guaranteed C H WEST Propr r 1 Jv |