Show CANADIAN REGULATION chop Inrrr tliv lollrrllon nt a ICnjMj nn lldl Sunni on the lukbn Ottarrn Ont AliII IflThe regnl lions formulated by the dominion gee ttmnent covering the collection of n royally on gold mined In the Yukon lie puldUhnt In theoOlilal gatette mast tailed They are at follow Tlmt upon all gold mined on the claim referred lo In the regulation for the government of placer mining along the Yukon ricer and II trlbti pence n royally olIO per cent hall be levied and collected by officer to be appointed for the purjmw provided 1 that live amount mined and taken from nny single clntm dom 1 not marred JSOO per week then tbnll kvlr1 mud collected n royalty of in per cent upon the n mou n tut taken nut up to tvmmil Moan the euress of niiMtnnt taken from any Ingle Mains over 110 per week there Miall Iw levleil and collet ted n royally oliO wr remit such royally to form tart of the oinMdIihitn venue mil lobe nceountnl bur b > the ollktrt who mulled oho iamb In due courno |