Show PAO 46 1 X1 eA AiJ DR G W SHORLS n slaves Sprctnltil sit Went NOT IMENI ONE DOLLAR NEED BE PAID UNTIL YOU elCUREcl DII o W 1111011111 al will etching to help suRarlrit mankind always trysn0 to coatfiro people that he gives value re ral1 ror every doUr paid hIm ties b odda4 to give quackery fraud and 1m poalUon its dalll blow and proloM 10 au6erfno classes front 10 duplrebla Methods tit quack and obarLoIna 1Ury uaer froua MANHOOD LOST MAN-HOOD amtnal Weakness YarlcaeelellyIroorl l a u Uunorrt a Btrtolun until or shrunken oraan D oluwhether and all other private diseases wloetlr autW IIy Icnoru low 410s or 00010 fan no attar bu r Wavers you can consult 111 O W SHOUT the Dhv t Wan who bu uu u his Ufa In curfn ohronlo disease tTlend bs examined aa Ironed treated and cured without i > art c F ona dollar until the cure Is nrUed tM doctor reserves the tight however U refuse any Incurable I eastIt ha cant our ria ha don want our Stoner Much art otter was mayor before nude tr a nspanaltls phrotclan till Dr 1 W Rhone in only able to make It because fie punitively cure the d5easee Dons evwte another cent on QuUonabl doc tan but corwolt the Old Doctor ands i and-s ou b DINB00 111BD CON Dr O SHORES WRITi Lock Box IB8D i Sttt LU Clf Utola CUrE YOURSELF u Unta Pr Ills u tor Von total led ilubt Uwuue 1 Irrlla ta or mw llwb < to MNYYw y Y YeOUr rnnY N MNe asd PYi rifle 1 11111141C14 let suet or rylwuuee Yr Gruerro teeth bjr DrnctliO IL A or nut In tUla wr pper r WM vrtptlit fcl 11m I ii + 1li e 1 llrcuur til en Fatalists at A R DERC3E tie CO Imouteul SALT MKK CITY UTAH 11M n4IOrt04I rnpilil to drillaxlon II prlcat p Wal ool ol town nui < e Kblltir once tefaool r t scbsn anil general Y v SUt Mol ss roar orders IIYN a 1 Wa offer One lliniilrM Dollars reward for any tax of catarrh that cannot be cured lIf Haifa Catarrh Cur 1 J CIIBKKV t Co Toledo O UX the unlfrlciml hata known I I J Cheney for the Ian II > ears and Ull v e blm perfectly ol lionnrnbU in nil buslnrs put treneacttone West any obligation iruui and Wholesale financially mart nv Jrunslils their bi to Ann carry To ledo 0 wadding Klnnin A Marvin WhollIl l liriiiimt l jDlnto O Haifa Calnrrli lure la taken Internally ac tin directly uimi I tlin lilood and mucous mu-cous iufpmesy ilia 1 yatnndTellmn solid I eent trrr Price nr xr bollla sold bl all drlllllla Halts tamlly rings A r the beet head file AUttrtliMiiruli You will enjoy this publication much better If you will cut Into the habit of rending the ndrcrtlwmcnt they will afford a most Interestliii study nnd vlll put you In the way of letting some excellent bariulns Our advertisers nro reliable they send what they advertise Probably on Judgment day a lot of the Woman wont got up stall because they know their shrouds will to way out of jloN Y Press 00000 Who will get it Schillings Best lea is not only pure but its it-s Ibccnust1 it is freshroasted What the missing vorcl Get StkilliHgi lint lea at your grocers take out the Ytlfao Tail there It i one In every package > send it with your guess to Address below before August 3tst One word allowed for every yellow ticket If only one person fimli the word he gets one llionwrul dollars 11 several find it the money will be divided equally among them Every one tending n yellow ticket will get n set of cardboard creeping babies nt the end of the contest Those gentling three or more In one envelope will receive n charming iSgS calendar no advertisement on it Besides this tlioiivind dollar we will pay f 150 each to the two persons who send In the largest number of yellow tickets In one envelope between June 15 and the end of the conteit August 31 St Cut this out You wont sec it again For two weeks u Address SCHILLINGS BEST TEA SAN FRANCISCO v u OJa XL scxrrr JAI o1rNnlNonNnIL 8 IIUWFIJLn 1rretdlwt IrefteeldealtedTreaa neoretary Geo M Scott Co Inportcor ntel HardAlare DconlcrM In Bar eind Sheet Iron Steel Pipe AGENTS roil ItulTnlo Scale Cninpany Dotmlt Ktoro Co Atlas KiiKlne Works John Vat A lloina steel IInnie Doduo ViHMlen Iulleys I Odes Air Tight litotes I California Powder Works Worthington Sienna Pump Celebrated Anchor Brand Cylinder and Mover IIl1btr Co Howe 1ngluo011 1 Brown t Co Drill 1 Tool Steel IotUlhnn I Injectors l Bdting Miners Tools Stoves Tinware etc a And a General Assortment of Mill Findings iSWMRUlHSI I MKHOBJl 125 l W l SECOND SOUIH M11 lAKE ClIY WAR Elias Morris ana Sons Gompany UOSDllEilTS rid UBIDSTOm lIf I Marble I and Granite 5lV1 i anMaantles ftt Grates etc A rrlYI T11111 Salt Lake ClKjffiPIff11 1 t WRITE FOR PRICES AND DESIGNS SPORTSMANS HEADQUARTERS uu u GUNS f 0011111111010111 H l fIL IL Bell football 001 a lull Ua ul AlhltI Uoode want send II you dont know It bat your nl n4 for our new catalogue into for UM asking Now nUll Hccotul head Illoiloi Itciiiiirliulily 1rlcci BROWNING BROS tII4TNl4d usanrrv TEACHERS W AtJTED fond for list I of e0 vanor 10111w Mee neural limes am many vacancies as Ir Mul have more lane two asset acre Troia rlntrnllml rone W 1A1lA 71rn Minna 10 rents pays for wok coolaining plans and a 1411W Jura aurr of Colleg der m nY4 anA rlr mourN ac b ar f lu rn n rune t r or t n mnmenAln i t earYe re OUINERN TEACHERS aUR1AU 0 Rich A N tUl ION I 61111 1RLV Lys iii k l lay J = I f NNrna ht 1 NMAw grrrrll Il rM PI lw raIa NrYar Y ln all 1Ira I r o Live Stock Commission I 1 you would keep polled write for lulormUo Irnmpt ItIU Quick Itloru FRED A SEARS lcCornlck ltlark IIIT 1111 tiT n SEE J J 1JnM 11 A JUfMM e Special 1 Announcement rat IU out and rend wilt 1111 to PI Late MnoCo WW rrsoslMuth al Yell lake ell and YM r1tPfsue uFilli l with Inc bet wawa Yd sad need b e a wuyleterasa ustyrraWr IrIlI UMVEKSI1Y 01 NOTIU20AMO Notre Dame Indiana rlln Lrrere Nrlrnrm law ClolI it Chunl rW Hnrlrl I DKlnrrrliit I hnrnYgtl 1rrprrrtur 4C ulnnlercLi r i feu rr r IMUnI I re K In1 1 nasal rte Ju nnr e eats Yer tr nr c tilt r 1 d rii tut r unor 1 nIUlIh 7 Y w earn Neple mhrr Tlh I Bpi C I 1 rrr n IIJI unu tv flat A suVtTssrj CH ti tVnldauV aprons forlorn rvltnaue HIT rule Al pNrlW WnMnlarllnu + l Y1 ydon lnl = to eeubl recalls 7ullr euY1 j It fur loav iiilKI + M li Nwl Iwrrr MciUluaMk I laWubup li ilCltiaun YIY I IZnf S3Jhan i l > a made wording for ul I 916 I W vOw lyiJ < wMwnJ whwcai rift lltlr I buN M M IM WYMr a + re Per VrIK IJ rertV Y JkGirauUUJ m L Yt al Itlrbara tv I MORVNIhE lad WHISKY VDl OPIUM I YYIIMY ul rI1Y Jr 11111A4YIW I 8100 Tojiy Man WILL PAY CIOO Fan ANY CASH Ill Weakness In Man They Treat and tail la tur An Qninka Company places l for Ira fine rLl r lul ro time Lfore the putfa a UiaiciL Tssin similar for the uuro of Lost Vitality Nsrvoul and N zeal Woolneas and Ilntoratlon of Life Kurta la old l and I UP gulatto No worn out Krsnrli raiimly contains on Hr riiospnorous or other barnif id drag It lea le-a Wuxuuirt Ilns tiUNT magical In lie ReelIhntilve III UN cure All render fl ln f rn who ara suffering from a weakness that blights their 0 railing that mental an4 lilirfctcal sulTarlUff twruhar In Lost Manhood Man-hood sbould wl Ito tulbaHrAli > lll > lCArl CUMlANY Umatia Neb suit they wUl I arid you alM I luttlj 1 Iirlto a valoaUs paper on these d1euee I and poeltlve proofs of their I truly i II I = ImrutiT ILoui Itudsul men who base lot all bops ot e cure are I wing rMturoJ by them to a pee fact runllllloll Title Miun I tLTKrtTVCNT may ba take nat n-at home under lrdlriKtlon or tliT will pay rnllroad fare and bold bills to all who prefer to go there fur irtmu > nt If they fell I to our Iliay aia wrfectly rallablsl 1 hat < > uu rhb lr > vrtitluu rru Cur Free Sample or C O li fake They UaiJ IDWIKJU taullal rC and guarantee to curs every ones boy treat or f fund every del Jar ur their charges may be ilrpotftKl In korlbt i bank to tin pall to them wlitn a Curs U alTectad IV rllf them today B Yi l Ile tt1e1 1 fretM I aims i r will carne t rlhrn IrYNrd 1 nann n t Auy III Y wtou 10 e1l1i 1 n wlrYyrYmrd told DROPSY NCVVDISCOVERYIdet yul Y nlNr I ern wen ware ad4f 4Yr of Iralnull ud IU Ir lnwl uut f rrw w ulual P we ru1 4r W N U Salt I Lttko NoO4 IOO7 Vina An tlenllon erlni This Paper mt Kl 4lj |