Show Applit Way Dy far tho most celebrated road III ho old world was tho Applan way too Vlarmu Regina or queen of roads which at tho period of Itt greatest ex tent stretched from llmno to llrun luslum tho modern Ilrlndlsl a din anco of Homo 350 mile AI this road was begun In the beginning of the fourth century II C says Peanon Weekly and formed tho great highway from Homo to the south for several centuries It must therefore hunts been connected with and often have been bo scene of most of tho great event of the Roman empire which for n lonR period would dcncno to bo called the great events of tho world It would 111110 witnessed the departure of tho armies which let forth to conquer the domains of Alexander and tho Pharaohs Phar-aohs Julius Caesar passed along It to the first Alexandrine war which was I to result In lilt own temporary conquest con-quest by the charm of Cleopatra I Later on Marc Antony traversed It to lose tho world for the tamo woman It wltnciscd too the triumphs ot tho returning generals who bad led the Union of llama to the conquest of half tho known world and over Its well worn pavements the unhappy Zcnobla perhaps the most pathetic figure In history was led to crane Iho triumph of her conqueror Aurellan Hut this liagcanta of which tho Appian way ha been tho ocean might bo multiplied almost al-most Indefinitely and It Is I certain that there la I no road In tho ancient or modern mod-ern world to compare with It In this respect |