Show BITS AUOUT NOTAULEB Mr Hitler IlnKganl linn flnkhcd anew a-new novel dealing with Doer lite entitled titled The Swallow 8wllo B It Crockett luau been taking a walking lour In 1nmtratila tho Knulli papers nay no doubt with I Tlow 10 acquiring local color for lilt new story Tho Itril l Axo tho arcno 01 which I to tie laid In Iomcranla A young woman has received the tin usual honor nt tho freedom of r Ix > n don guild Rho la I I daughter a > rd Aralierit of Hackney and list written writ-ten a lilitory ot Rnrdenlnff u Inc lend Imi just hen thin honored by Iho Wonlilpful Company of Jnnlcncri Jlerro all who Is I nt present on ac tlco service on Ilia Trench warship Javclot has produced I new book Ilnmuntcho n otmly of Illicjtyai lamlicaun and manner Gallon De rhnmp declare U to bo the true JI tbo Iotl of tho old manner Churl Moron who lately l died 1f t Paris claimed drvcent from the poet Virgil HfKiilnrly every New Year day all personi In Mantua thin poet iintlvo town who lore thin name of Mars Ute poet patronymic rent greetIng greet-Ing to Maron whom they regarded A trot nod greatest cit them all Mr Itttikln spends several hour 1 lay KnrdcnlnR In n llltlo green cull vatcil place In Ibo middle of I nut wood which In sprint II I full ot daffodil and cherry blomom Hera Inc profewo ad mil n other toll but his own and li I al proud ot hll Harden unit of Iho great hooka which bear Ida name OQ there tlllo page Alexandra numni thin yotincer Is I portly to have 111 II statue on the Ilac MalMberbei In fart HutMcrlptlon are already being collected for the pur peso and n < hobo I A botiiebnli nnmo In Prance It uliould to Imf l dlf flcult to raise Ibo money than It ba unfortunately been In tlie roe of many other dlttlniiuliliod Frenchmen Wllberby dryly = You havent eh Well I woulJnt bo turnrlioil If you didnt O him for four more Mr Wltberby feigning Brent disappointment dis-appointment = Ob you Imren olmngod your mind have you Arent you coins ta bring him to dinner Wltberby No madam Im not And Mn Wlthcrby having gained her point glided blandly from lhd room I |