Show lint nf the uotton mill In Iah 1 sliver MM I whkh 1 hays Iwen topped iiipiirarll hare atsrled on full time Mr IIHII KWHBK Sob es mlnlnter from Karen 1 died at Sao 1111 the loth ol noutermi uiupUon recently affgnirnted li > our exercise The funeral Hrrang menu will imibably be ntteudeil by the loreau leflatlon It won Mr Sofia with that Ida hotly Keertuuatnl IheMHtwchutetU lleneflt llfe a HKUtloii will probably crate IU cur purl exUUnve lueaday Auy 17u wbleli day a pnlllUin will be i > retent d < < to the kuprem court for the iiptulnl liHiitofn reealrer It le uuderktood ll tluu thieve HUlbetmobJa iltNi tp the mo |