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Show COALVILLE TIMES. Imu tmr riittmr TIKZS PUBUSHMG r. U. PIN'NEO, Editor tiPi COM u4 tfASHl SOTOS LETTER. I BY. fa., a ' art Kaor-l.a- a WssHiaoroa.-Anf- Ha Barer. ia a Merlon 17. c I1"-Tha- r acity between lion. John'hermn, he mThi reiary of State, and a number of promiM. Mdotba , ....! nent newspaper inen of Washington ai d s Meoth M Ykr 'of New York, concerning certain ul- foci Copist terancea of Mr. Sherman on the "asses- AdvorttolrMf Rat mm. aination of the Spanish Premier ami it and on the lain I mo.4 moj t yt Drubs Me effect upon general attitude of Engtaud toward the I tack ... 4IMfinffnofUt ui it jo m i4 on tu lotto to 12 to 2) OlH i W United Slate, which wrre published coluan 7 Mi 21 on 4 Mi V at C eotuaa w! 140 w interview wilh Mr. Sherman. Tl a is Ml u , teluBa . who are among the men, newspaper Local motif ea. It rent per lilt for 8 rat I manta per line lor each aubaaqueat Inter most prominent in the business, deTtieaa rstea at'l be aaictlf adhered US clare that Mr. Sherman used the language they quoted, while Mr. Sherman a CeaeWa, Utmk, Hay 1. t ewrea at U aPtoflc' ieclarea moat empliaticadv, both verl t$M, t ItMtf Out Wetter, ally ami in a signed ciiiiiniininit on to a local paper, that he did not. Tins COALVILLE, FRIDAY. AUQ. 20, 1807 controversy has revived the talk about age telling upon the faculties of Mr. KEEP A STIFF UPPER LIP Sheiman, which waa quite prevalei t , j CoalvilleCo-op- . Two San Francisco grocers Rjftg Bros, and T. Salomon! won $10000 each because they sen the most yellow ticket before June 15th. But grocers and clerks ean get more tickets than other consumers; so we also paid $10900 each to the two persons named below : question Jof vei Term of Stlbaoriptloa. J ' Mr. Mr. VViru L. Fonlu- - VVinnemucca, Nevada. During, 819 Bryant 13 1 Stnt, sa Francises 7a , Come see our tickets. tickets. Mrs. During got a number of friends in San Francisco and near by (one keeps a boarding house) to give her their ' 7. tickets; and she used the tea herself the she uses By way. Schillings Best baking powder and extracts too bad She doesnt knowhow good Schilling's Be si spices are! But she- says the extracts and Baking powder are wonderful. A woman in Stockton, who keeps a restaurant, came very! near getting prize. She deserves one for supplying her;' customers such good tea. Better read our advertisements every day some contain)' suggestions how to win' the prize. By the way, grocers cant compete for the two fr$o.oo prizes offered for the . I '1 , I t Inter-tloa- not $2005 $400 Coairatifeaeaee.l QlULlto Prices - ji when he left WaahingtoiiJ-everdays Just at present th cry of hard tme of before Congress. adjournment tii' and dark foreboding for tha future ia on waa his personal fjjends who first betha lipa of many of our citizen, owing, It gan to talk aliout bis fulling memory. largely, to the abut down of the tao Mr. Sherman ia id hi aeventy-fiftgreat minet at Park City. 'And whiltw allacknoaiedgo that It year, but the world ia full of men older than he wrhose mental faculties are at , rill be quit a hard blow to our beat. their for uuiverral there ia no occasion al most yellow ticket in one envelope between Juno tan, however, compete for the $1000.00 prize. h SCH I LUNGS BEST 15th and Augusa jul Tbeyi B4 On Ladies Kid Gloves, Muslin Underwear, Waists, Hose. TEA SAN FRANCISCO citi-tena- 1 Prices on Dresss Goods what different tiews are of same the taken thing. When Seck Ux charge of the War IH retary Alger partment lie found a system under which the watchmen of that depart made dmis reports of the goings meiit lie thinga. New propertie areeureto and comings of the clerks and promptly developed and new enterprieea wib lioliahed it. lelieVing that better respring up, ami we opine that in a abort time the Ontario and Daly will again la- sults would be obtained by putting the in tu awiin on a bigger acale than ever. clerks on their honor. Now the abolIt ia not nearly eo aerioua a blow to ished system of the War Department bv the Treasury Dethe county aa a large number of its citi baa been adopted p. tens with their long facea and gloomy pre partment. There is no doubt of t lie good inten.diction will make it appear to tha out tion of Secretary Elia in issuing that aide community. official warning to the Klondike-tionn- d Stop thiaerving over tpilled milk. I .There ia nothing ae awfully awful but public, which waa published thi week, I Nor ia - there any doubt that all the 'that it might hav been worae, and I in this earning calamity howling will do more harm danger enumerated AND LOW SHOES I exist, aye, and more; but who ever itaelf. . .than tha ahut-dowI of entire atate a beard of a man with the gold fever in The Industrie in all the fashionable styles and colors, Call and liave been almost mined by drouth, I hia vein Wing tarred aaide by warn-cro- p examine them, twill guarantee I failure, etc., year after year, and of danger ahead of him. a till thoae states are alive and .kickiitg, j Itjs generally believed that the ex -it a- - deal I traord inary atate affair ahown by the and fcummit county I Ladieand Children9. will also be sold at Investigation into the. method follow better off than they are. I Ac suit the titneswllcllo I have a fall A Wedderburn which John prices Co., line of The American eagle lathe greateat eilby TIONERF. COA LVILLE. HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE I cauaed -. Bntof Commissioner Patent on bird that aoar. He aometiuie goe READY HADE WRAPPERS, SKIRTS AND SHIRT WAISTS. I abort ration, but atill baa atrongth and terworth to prefer charge of fraudulent I pluck enough to knock the atufling out practice against. that firm and to cite of all comer. A little of hi wpirit cause why they (iiould go ),( I vrr old be good for most men. disbarred from practice lie fore n( How natural I all this: An Eaitern J the Patent Office, eerved a goid purpose the new regulation for J paper tell u that the Klondyke report by hurrying up before that office which has were at flrat discredited tn England, J practice A man wtll buy an expensive steeP'rod, fine lines, IB roal nice reel, a Pint of Expmmive Bait, and were referred to alleged die-- been promulgated by Commiaaloner pail, minnows, hire a boat,, fieb all day .d lose 5 J coverie in Alaska." When convinced Butterworth, and which are bound to n worth of time just to catch a poor, Jiule fiaii! you that be wouldnt take as a girt from his fisliiuau down of their truth and when it waa ahown result in benefit to the inventors of the : t could He have doaan town. tiau-ke10 the and gone wont that the nigging were in the North country. It is in evidence in the case lieugnt all the fleli he wanted for 31 cents, THAT!; & .VLL Lie almoat a too much for his fiahbothe Co., that pay waat Territory, they at onee referred to against Wadderburn carefully gets aRRillT. new, lot of fun out ot hie bait and his outing. for pat-tnt- a SO per cent of the application field of Canada.' the a w hen you go to twy Clothes, gold them different) Its When count you spend younrime and then, pay too rauch.forelothe pretty they have filed during the past We suspect it i much more agreeable THERES NO'FVN IN IT. Yoa cant pav ns too much the as been have unpatrejected for clothe, for we wont let you. We re FISHINti to our eastern friends to know that th two year Stove-MixeFOR TRADE, with the strongest line of Clothes we1 of the remainder mau and' entable, will be secured when gold genuii east ever had. Wet-- fishing tor teade with $41.34, 7.30 stylish ) have not been far men. Suitein ''British gold," rather than just plain (probably jHd 10 Cheviots Sulla Black and Cassimerea, pud Blue Dress Wor-'-- i you American gold. The silver dollar was considered worth the cost of a patent. goods, Wted. We are catching some men with $i5t $16.50, $20 I advance in addition to theirfees in more precious than gold to them so long Yet, $22.50, $25 and $;W suits. Suits made to measure in th PfX)dUCQ IP finest Amencan and imported Cloths. These include fori you for prosecuting these application as it waa Imported. When our ow the finest Cassi meres, Broadcloths and Worsted fromi firm haa that buy France. '.Vest of England and the finaet German fab-- i will mine produced tha allver, they could United Btatea patents, rics. THLRE!S VALUEi FOR YOUv Youll never; not atand It for fifteen year. Tribune, pursuaded many of thoae poor appli-canknow how good a suit your money wiD buy until youbuy to pay them fee for applying tor CAT&H ON TO, OCR LINE. Our Fall Mid Winter I.iae Fait lake Herald: II. L. Bteede, European patent and monev for adverKnow in and includes everything that is new in style and colorings. Mv 8 IS w9 A M 851 162 HI uflwnw County Attorrey for Bos Elder county, tising tor aale patent that they should patrons and the public generally will please note that after August MOiMn 1st Wanamaker& Brown will pay express charges on all goods sold nows. ua asks the attorney general what fund have known would have never been ob-- , mipxrtoo Jl JspJO after that date. Our stock alsoinnlude a fell line of BOOTS avoti re '0$ a xoeejg live TU Ut and sou j, ppuw iaueoi pnw shall be drawn opon to apay for the em mined. A'D V Vrloomatqixafor Senator Ilansbrough et North Dakota pairswvUam velopes furnished the school trustee .qsrsiut XostO iSS Qao mwawij sail aivo jop.WuAo - the ballot at the school alection. The waa In :u.v-- l U Awp zaqwu sui srel Washington thi week, but .be HP 11 luop ai qSol the JtTJ- -l wasn't worryingwbout political or other wqiota attorney general, after reviewing paa.woq MJil ww aonw. 4mwsoq7 law, atate there ia no express provision public affair. a he came to se Misa s sjnoi srpa JO uib vq ot la excovering thi matter, hut that it Vv aodaos pus OW'XSt puW Chapman, to whom he will be married 111 not 11 zo Nono Him Joj 1 ana aiqt soa plicit enough to make it proper charge next Monday in New Yerk. ad O0SZ$ t.pUoii iateQ Ml J4rap etM..pg avoa I xq iss r msr against the county and so advise. In view ol the large earns ofroqney SOW lHHMlf T1 have received from PM n trmooo X(AMiwt ubh owIb-- , aonuvujr Darin Friaby received a letter from tbe Cramp oa afeM pwa tH rii Laox paMnwp .W tupu In the ahape of premium oii Tf tn o S ol 1! o 'll JSf nutpiujflij 10 Ida 1 rot her Joseph thia week In which JSH siuiofaia tf op liu.Jtip UB .wqj. oiol. Mna i on on the ex- - foTspeed in excess of the requhement him iViJ m tuias latter i compliment the pJiJinn'JIJio .. ,v Jqj JOJ la i Jl SaiMA pinti n here each in tne war vessels they Irnve built lor the on e- - n ii jjjia joa op ql ja Kit rpio Client letter be Tecel vee from 1 laq-oisiti'mi i p qaiu iuojoql t4aoi Ailueu'io government, there waa much surprise eo David iui titiui vn q aiMpBiaqaa pJ-iijpat piM pu psxova weak. Thoae letter. 1 . wm iliq Aiflaq 0Kno pu OO'AVt in uionpi.q ..lit a nie when So which they ashington j oovi soz oooo ' Timm of Tux 0 -oa, are topic ii unubi of Claim against tbe 1 lilted Court j the CIA os aodauj a.11 At 4,B atslrnw 01 pip.,,? 4litCo jU aijijuiu nos n( xiow zoo aoaMin he tends regularly. Mate government tor ilanrvgea aggreiaq ..( pfi a UB awaa ooitt $ nixiii JiKrwm mX0j twin gating 1.73d.l4i, which they claim to - iaanq ustil 1 V M WMmM-in.iM ,i Murder Xans-p- i P1i-mL injJ ArZo UUO! 'IfKvq izhiu 33 "7HoJlI 'mjins Ji!i'., Faiuw. Suicides." the have sustained by reason f delay and eojit asai tatlioH um no Ul auiiujwo vju.i dfti'y default on the part of the government 4-- n - -- T.mbmlw"V rt ,ew .sniiZ'iJ tV qiu pnj -i - '110-, ii pn nut Has Ju-- recelred a beautiful line f Julil pa ir'i ririic JCfli pa ji.i'ittil q.iai a,ctnjit and pwiad Doi armor metropohthe srins-ii the plate plana im) in furnishing a Aiiut jo Spoil .m , tCXl ill jo beadliues tUk Piar ynoi jiumnnai.'ij pan paq laud. These are which the battleship Massachusetts, I.ojj.liu iimj the d m wu lMX ox t xooaa in newspaper ofqop tan joi and the cruiser kIs 4iia 'p,. m. i qn S.Mif a azAivq to W that suggest low and Indiana, X loinaf jo amp and Columbia al 'evidently tb headline, ,m.ia Brooklyn York, j;ew irr i 7MIJ nnm Sjapjunh n--Hii i,m jo Bmnii were being constructed by them. While popzoa tiao p,Vn i 4e , , Mox axisv.if) xannrj-oipB u47j ha nothing to do with tbe tJupiaa iwvivxaa 40 a S3 110a osixsojjeo.'cvid World i. authority Congres Kana City ata Court ot Claim, it 4 prolmble that avinasMv 0111010 ! AMiaoviit n 0 e member of Congress who think the he statement cares th.t well the treat o been hare tired exceedingly i. Cramps 1301)14 31VS330HM t utu( f peflWS 0 U.1W of Texas 4 ia all their dealing with th governtrr n pnr SiOxaVH paw S313IH3A ,TOW ment will have something to say about ovoh eaioojn winter. naxt claim uiiiniOvanevva 40 loaato Ana aantatogoto tb these ong, long rest. deapondency. The county ia atill one of the eery rieliest and beat producer in tb whole alate and will alwava . Wbat our people want to do ia to keep a stiff upper lip and make the Wat of j ill itisqueer ME Cnt Right Square in Two. COALVILLE, UTAH. Meii k Coalville Cash Bargain' Store, Coalville. w$OY DENSpRU 5TO RE. n LADIES AND SLIPPERS CHILDRENS My Prescriptions Filled. to-d- Co-o- Prices are Lowest in the City Lx fti MAGGIE SALMON. Its different! j h . AT THE WHIMi MINE, yaa mil half-doee- GRASS CREEK. Lump, Lump and Stove, four-fifth- taken - - - $2.00 - and 1.75 d - 1.50 ahueol all-wo- ol mil pOYmelt JOSEPH: BARBER. ta at at -- .sd3Ana HStO j - l- a.d - SS&H&38? - -- - -d 1 -- -- sui I) nri.iy.cnre,iim;nuk I s MRS. M. E. RHOADES. The Milliner. -- COALVILLE. UTAH. g q- d JD-- it J, r'io.'liL't w im-- , J 1 OO'SS iqjij 0 i0 m-'O-vim j- -i iq .q 'W' .n3 paJiuf vo," Midsummer Dress Hats, and for pne wpek a special sale of 50 dresshats at 5oc, 75c. and $1, well wprth $2 each. See them. |