Show Ib I OFFICIAL i Tim Thbndrra labloh altern Ilwtnrbllle Union tag 17A IItICIIO writer I nth Ixilon lime which In the put 11 own Itself to have lean else In II gorartiment makrn n bit tee RlVk n allr In eluting the rtlek tl writer Mjnt The cl o Ing of the Indlnn mini tee Jt t > < < > and all that Ia I now need eel to I brllllf II great uiperlinent to nUn 5ea wfi n-Un la n little nturngo M w < II 1 f rein urIO nn the Inert of the IMII irr of the Indian empire At llteln time plain nnd trnllitf ir ward Iau unage I ndrUnbta ulun I one PDIn The Indian kUtwuiien tniii Pre i be long wlib blmetallim I lilt Uruti n whleh rants M Innomnl IIId Inn nont ins already eott them dear Hut for that the gorernnient nahl hu I eontentetl to the timing of tie taint long beforfl I U1 Hi trtlole rtHnmenU on late char ltlrI I crmltnrM and lKildne of Ancr mi dlplonmey wmllng n bl meta I r mmmlatlon In infect n rcop ealnp I the Indian nilntt while nl the same tune denting the wont Kmil In bbw uu HrltUh comincrio by patting bf lungley tariff 1 It It I clear 1y linpowlble to trint ncr Wth n ninimlMlun which nrfu < t that Hole I n wedoftoniethlngfor 1 IUcr the Unit d Stalrt will Kriid Mr Bryan to Iw Ulillo lloiiM to the laMltuf Injury llrllUli Interettt It It I not certain Hint Mr Bryan will foe I rh clasp It It I not ei n certain ItaL If hn were iihctr1 sow Unlltr more than we shell 11 I n new Mo I nhv with nmithcr MiMnliy net Dlonavrr ItrltUh Intettnra In Amcrl Sum ecnrltlm haru time boforu lice nut pretldrntlnl tlrctlon nml befit he Hh digit rl1 I of th < min m-in thing It I trrluln wa would lie try f > IIh lo do 1 anything for silver thin ohoiild the Coital htntpt and rnnn ngrio to adopt blmrtnlltin nnd Mnirlniid toreoiin that Indian mlntt It would I only IxiUter up tllrer for n brief tree to fnll again to IU proper market mar-ket prhe MI that Inlinn flnancifl Hotll InIn aHMloii at bad If not sear thnn Ufori |