Show THATCHER rOUND aOULTY 01 Art 1r and rlrlilltn Ilk Coed Coe-d u 1 I lake City Aug hlsaes Thnleher bat lean found guilty of apostasy and iinchrtttlnn like conluet by the nuthorltlet of ball Lake slake and the tludlngt approved by the high ooantel Mr Thatcher hu tubmltted to the deeUlon of Clue tribunal The mala oontlderalliin imposed waa nn 1 dorm men t of the itiiuilfe to promulgated promul-gated requiring counnel to be taken before onicer of the church could ao cept nomination for political ofllcet A conttruetloii was put upon time mnn Ifetlo whleli permitted Mr Thnleher to endorse It without luldlng Ids contention con-tention I wet hit icfiiul to endorse en-dorse limbs mentiire Hint led lo bit e depotltlon from nn npottlenhlp and I led to hit trial Jim Iutlon also largely entered Into the Inte ten lorlal content which around inmli In Icrett and bltterne nt the time Ihatthvr objection ha the innnlfitlo was that I tens too replug Al lout every third mala nielnl i r of tin church It I nnnfllcer under the thiirrh by requiring counsel Kfore accepting ft nomination for ofllce would place polilleut conlrol within limo lininlt of tow few ohoiild Ibcj ba untiriipilloui onough luau It Mr Jhnteher ntkeil for n con lructlon bill I tint never tom f > ro been given I lint to-m ben decided de-cided however Hint It hues not nppljr to oDe who do not glva their whole limo to tho nervlee of the church Tills removed Mr llnlchcr principal ob jecllon Other condltlont were Hint bo retract ono statements nand which hand their origin In the contnivirt which foi toned Iho promulgation of time unreal fitlo and the trouble that followed |