Show LTAII J i NEWS Anew bridge late I be eotittrutted aero Irovn 1 river Hi the month of the I canyon irrwhatlknnwna sharp a alii ulI nlirilm ffiMkbHrfl it gmdnnto of the Latter ilyfMnU college elirged wlllikt nhug paths all line been sequf Itt t Hit farmer In Tonele Bounty are reaping fairly goal eropt thl year lint nothing toeomNtr with teat yars prolnli One Kyle U wauled Hi Kphntlm for It tulng nurthle clink The Mantl Coup Co-up war caught fur 140 nail lBllir T Tutlle forIM Hevler omiitjr parllw lire elms iiilfurirt Attorney Innmi HUhop him rendered ren-dered an opinion In the effect under the law the eompeiiMtUin of till M > e rotary of the tnt board uf hurllvul lure khould be MM n year Governor Mellt paamtl hit thirty I eighth 1II11tOh on the Mill mat cad nun Um recipient < if nmgrntula Hunt unit Hull Ihllll8 at blared 1 I deuce In Hall Iak l Tliagovernorwat born In Suit bake City Aiigntt II IM meat a little liver twelve year from the lima of the founding 01 Salt lake Mr Iluttrll rein charge of email thotat tome bird that wire destroy lug hi fruit nt Tool nn 1 two nt the hot were buy Msne means deflected and atrurk a IIIU elilll of a neighbor and wat quickly knocked down by the father Mr lliiMell full very tarry over the near and 1 fur that reaton lie refuted to primeiite the father A meteor whlth fall nt Morgan nt traded the attention nf tau who were fortunate enough to be up until midnight one night bit week The meteor fell from swill to north describing de-scribing an arching curve nf Hindi beauty Homo nf the obnerver MM I that ft sharp bulling like Hint of n skyrocket rocket ccouipaulcd the flight of the lIar Great Interest being thown In Hit Ittcddfod la bo held In NU Hcorgo In October next nnil already Secretary Alfred M Ihirhninhn received 1 large nnmtier of letter 01 Inquiry bearing I upon thin tubj cL The turtle offered for the rendition of Iho vnrlotitkclce I lions are liberal It I announced by I tho tecrcUry and those In charge tlmt all thota wishing to complete fur the different prim thoulil hand In their mama not Inter than ticptember 1 anti aUho uwI11lJULllluuwlwU nn which they will compete Mr Albino N Ullllamt of 8od I Spring Mnho ono of the twenty I len urvlvor of the original hand of planters who nine to tho treat Holt Lake valley In 1817 lint just proroil upon Ion I-on A hometUml liter that place Her husband wan a memlr of the fnnioui Mormon battalion that took part In the Mcxlenu war and the nicompiiulixl him on the minpntent of that force After the battalion win ilUlmml l the anil her husband pent than winter ot 181017 near where Pueblo Colo now ttoiuU mud ammo of her olilUren wm born there In the prliif of 1SI7 they set out to join the uilrnnro Riinnl of the Mormon plnncera and route up with them near where 1a I now UI1IIIIfr Wyo and neeoiiiiwiilixl them Into the IIIII Uko valley Mr WIIIIIII U 71 j i m oil Tho state board ol pfjuntlutlnn linn completril 11 ux rnlimlloiu UHIII Ilia jiropertlctof the various rnllwny tube graph end tclcpliono 0011I lUlU I of the state The rnliinttoii are as fiillown Inlon 1ncino I railway Mll83li Hoho I A Park City 5JIIl7t Oregon Hhurt Mue JIOJ07J9J Ulo Uramle U intern llOi nil Central Iaollle 5I010J1I 1 lab Ciiitrnl tlftlWIi Melt UU t I JoOM Angeles tllllaO K nwlo Volley Bait I nke 1 fort DiiHKlat 1410 halt I I Late 1 OiMctl tTT411 Sail Lake t Mircur KltM Ogden 1 Utah Hot Springs 11000 Ogden Union llnllway A Ikpot ooinimny SIM B3I Iulluinn rUeolnrrompnny I W0575 Sail hake riLl Itnllronil roinpmiy SW7UO < Salt Lake Vapid Irantlteoiiipnuy tlUWt Ogilan Street llnlluny eoinpauy 510 000 Vi ot HI le Rapid fraiMlt omn > any 113010 Itouky Mountain Itoll Tale phono rompnii tl078l7 New lad llutla ltnll ny romjiany W810 Vtr nil Uilvphone eoiiiiHiny 87651 flit more HrxM > t llnllliiK Jelcphono rompnny t tlJI Wg Mprtuiga much Tclrphoim voinpaiiy SUell 11esterm Inlon rIralh ronipany I J7UIM Diwrot Telegraph l oompNiiy MMM Total gltDTIIUI Till hake the Itll Yalnsliou 1d49T less la 1M titan In 1SIW All Iet n < m Irwl Tusy and Al 06 ebb were arrmtwl for participating In n priM tight at Huraku IIIIllIIOn l wan glom ten day In Jall > lu My 11 ro lap I or M and Will > I > vim dlt Charged JU ark City sad lIe Jubllwj bu bull hams the latter of Salt Luke hare ilUbandod and a new teat JIM been formed from the atrant play ore of both the defuuot WfanlmtliHH tusking a vary tlrOtljC aggrgatloa with Mr ntogMeontalij |