Show I 1 TNAT 1 I CN E R DIIED Declared Guilty of Apostasy and Unchristlan like Conduct I lly KtnlorMiii tin Miuilliitn Und Vlllnlimltin 1 OHriilM > Itc I i I iniirUt III Itrliilii IYIIott lili In lln > Cliinrli Th rial of Mono Thatcher which lias entroised the Interest of the two pia l of Ihl dale fora week nul It I jow at on end and the whole affair ha passed Into history The iubllc IL I in a general way entirely en-tirely tamlll with the dotalla or the breach between Mr Thatcher and the church which becam mlnlr1 toon after Mr Thatcher accepted the nomination tor United Islatee senator at the hind of the Urniw rallc party Thl breach wa widened durlnr the campaign that followed amt culminated culmi-nated when the church formulated the teat manifesto and Mr Thatcher reo fused to sign It At the conference of lilt church following MrThatcher win fttuiwmleU from the nuimim of npMtl and a mil Inter wan de lflv1 of that oltlre which however wai left vacant nu aucceuor having et been named In the lest nenilorlal campaign Mr Thalrhcr wa again a Candida for the United Mute aenale and his public utterance Interviews and let ten gas offeM to the church author tile M that llnally he wa iiAceil on trial before the high council and the charge may be summed up In the one word apoitacy Much testimony wa taken during the hearing and the cas wu llnally argued by memlwr of the council and Mr Thatcher made the cloeliiK nddre In his own pliilf On the following tiny Friday the stake presidency rreiienteil their decidon biting thai the churgi had been uiialned Voupled with this however war u condition that Mr Thatcher might by making n declaration be restored tu inftnbcnhlp In the church On the Mm day Friday Mr Thatcher made a reply accepting the condition or the decision I which was yesterday endorsed by the take troll deny unit endorsed IK a suthttaclorv compliance with the decidon In his reply or declaration Mr Thatcher make the decision u fan ot tile coininunlrmlin lie now endow en-dow the too tilfesto which non the cause of M much cunlentlun nllh the explanation that the Interpretation placed niton II by the uulharltle make It H > M > llile for him to do so without nullifying himself In liny way The II objttllonabla italvmrnt made by him und covered In the decision were he imy made under misapprehension of the situation and they lire retracted The history of the cane Hllh an nlllclal explanation thereof un given In loot Ian evening New an oMIcUl clean of the church Till NKWH lUMTOIlIAU Discussing the matter editorially the NCM nay Tor morn than n tech last there bite been a great deal of curloelly man Ifusltd unit orrot lnl re l crnle1 tiy the fact that Mueee I Thatcher wa upon trial for tile fellowship In the Church of Jesui Christ of Iatler day Halm before be-fore ltte presidency and high council of the Halt Iako tall Many aloe statement at the causes and lirocevd Inn of the case have been given through the public print the Information Infor-mation Hvnerally IIIK only of a hear ay character where not actually rnhCI rnfl iII coined In the brain lit the Imaglmtllv importer In order to correct the wrong InipreMlun that have been made mid to prevent the cat tmthrully In all Its bloom tor the Information of all In tervited tho New now glvc u brief account of tho trial with the 111Id document that go to niche up the record rec-ord The proceeding before the high council were commenced by a complaint com-plaint whlrh nplieare below entered lip a committee of three of the council ot the niwstle on behalf nf the church nnd llrother Thatclitir at once > nitwitted nitwi-tted hla Intention tu appear Tho cut wa tried under the i ordinary rule of the high council except mat greater latitude than rommon ono allowed In the Introduction of evidence and In statements on either olds unit adjournment adjourn-ment were Ot taken from time to time In conildrratlon of the ntlll cello condition condi-tion ot the ilffenilunfB health Thin the proc < < IIIIII which commrncnl on Vrliluy AUK 6 continued nllh dally cessions excepting Kumlay to Auir 13 Ivory 1 opportunity which he could dulro sin given him to explain hula luMltlan and feelings and after hearing hear-ing the rprakera on Imlh side of Oho council and alui Ilimie who Illnl the complaint he nude a plea In his own behalf In which lie oxprrwcl leis soil llliEncm and tole desire to make right all the wrong that he had dono to any of his brethren and aim III comply with tha declilon of the council whatever that mliiht be I HP admitted that ho had town In error and In the dark thai ho had horn wklnit for Unlit and that It had come tn him through what had twn deviloned In till trial I IIIH liNiilI 1IOHTIIITY It will he peen from the llndlne and ileclilon given below that the mat I her did not real an mated and nuppowd liy rome upon llrother Thatcher ro focal to accept the declaration of principle prin-ciple but rather upon hll general course of hoillllty to his hiethren particularly par-ticularly those who Maud at the head cf the church It appeared however that much of that was predicated upon a mliunilerntiiiiillni of their motive and pariKHie god Initnd of taking that declaration a It stood ho u corned to make an Interpretation of It corrMpondlnir to hi preconceived no tlon of what ho thought the Icadern ot the church Intended to do Ills pub lic utterance by letter und i > it che < were reviewed noino of these wero much modllled by hi explanation uthera which were renerally understood to refer to the presiding authorltle ot the church were explained aa having no reference to them at all thin the bondage and otipreMlon l and trouble to which ho had alluded went explained tie such aa ho reared would com from sources ouUIJo the church and not from It leading authorities IIB ACCCTTUD AT ONCIi a rent plalnnewi ot language wail used In prewntlnir to llrother Thatcher the Trillion In which he stood and the elfect produced on the publlo mind by tho course he had punued After the hearing was concluded and the treat dency ot the stake had taken the matter mat-ter under ndvl ment they presented tha Undine and decision given below which were unanimously utaln d by the high council and were catUfacUxry to lOll 9 vtu ttkaiLe oamclalQt TUna ft sow arn i rr ini e manner In con I t S1 hHii h iiuld anI I nould fully I mplt Hllh tlie deieim 1 and In fiii iule t uch n douineiu in his own neula as wuutot eluro his views und r Iingefhb I Until of lime bena Curd I at 3d days From his letter wMch follow i u will lie I seen that M iiOs at on acted In the mailer endorsing the decision In the moat uneqlvotal manner and manifest Ing a spirit of humility and repenlancv that will be very gratifying lo all who have a real Interest in his welfare lly the final approval on the pan of the presidency of the slake of M conduct In this matter mat-ter he retain his standing and fellow 11111 Vln the church 1o now prtnerrt without further comment the documents In the case these brlnir In their order the mm plaint the finding of Hie presidency of the make their d < vi Ikn i ItruUwr Thatcher endorsement uf that deed Ion and his letter in the like pr eH denry and the latter aerctance of hlA teller end endorsement i a satis factory compluinie with lhe decision Till CIIAUHKH Then follow Ihe documents In their order Ihirlng the trial it WAR almot htnpo eibte tit get complete and accurate Information regarding the prooeiUnirs hut The Herald did give the precis I motlv of the chahre The Tribune in shied that one of the charges If I the coenpklnlt wa Ihe Argil cartoon which thl paper staled wan erronemi The complaint Itself will show wMch oar right rightTIIK TIIK COMPLAINT Halt Lake my Utah July 10 IW7 Tii lhs lrell iHy and High Council ot the Hall IAk rltak of 7tnn Dear llrethnii We hereby inrfer a olmnre against llrother Moors Ttiatchvr at npolacy amt unchrl ilanllke con hunt vxnlfilied In In public let he private conversations in Interview through nwiaieni 1 and In other way bowing n departure from Ihll spirit of 1 the coiled and the doctrln and din clplln ot the Church of Jesil Christ of Latterday Balms such as n forfeit hll right to fellowship and ilandlntr In the church Your brethren DlllllllAM YOU NO FIIANCIH I M lYMAV HKIIKIt J tlltANT The Tribune also 1 misted that Apoa flee Young I > mn aril Irani were tmtetlnilly iiinnlnK tiro trial which wait Hum erroneous When the church nu sheep deckled lhlt IIr Thatcher hnuld be Irish for npuslncy It bcrnm necwmry In order In bring the mauei up In due form that regular charge should Ice I preferred The authorltlei elected AHHN I Young Iyman uid 1 leant to formulate the Marge an they prvferrvd the name with the high council As complainant In the case the three Hpovtle 1 or some of them were prevent during thou proceeding ncoordrnir tii custom but aside from protecting the ihrge and maklmi ouch explanation regarding the mat 1er AJ devolved them > idea clm they 111 nothing ta do with conducting the trial heir did they hat any some on lh0 remiH It has been urged that tliesi three niolle were ctioven becaus nj I lher iMMtlllty to Mr Thatcher which may or may not Iw I true The tlnillinn of the presidency were ps follow Aior > lav 00 haa loon l argued hal h-al In Its extent In I general way apiMtuv meant revolt 1 Is I so d > Ind In the dlcttunary Hut the Prophet Uoseih Hmlth dills In this connection The moment we revolt at anything Which come from Oud the devil take loiter Camiiendlum p IM On this ground aixwtafy Include any revolt or deiwrture from a nil or RRutatlon 110 tablUhnl by the lord whether III per ron or by luho I appointed servant i We consider that Miners Thatchnr exhibited an annotate eplrlt and wa unchrinllanllko In his conduct ° llrsl In hi Inter view ijulillnhM Ia I the Cult Lake Tribune which he hoi admitted to b 1 In the main I correct as i to his view though not a to hits I met language I he there virtually I charge the authorities nf the ehureh with lad faith in declaring llrst that IIIU they would I not Interfere In polities and next that hey Intended lo ant would I Interfere and that thl pros tlcallv annulled their former declaration declara-tion Its also announced hie rndlntvi to clumpljn the cause Imperiled by the latest declaration of the church authentic au-thentic Second In gluing tn the public private ci > rresM > ndenc Iwlween him lelf and resident lorensn Souls which related only to church nnd quorum mailers mai-lers I lersThird lly using laniuag an follow In hi rule to 1reoldent Ix > reno Know iiubllihetl In Ihe Tribune and Herald of Nov I UM Although the judge before whom T nm to lie I umilgned hav nearly all ex 1m o Hal as presned an opinion O to thus merit of my case although my accusers are to sit In Judgment aver me although a vrdlct hit already been delivered galnM me and without a hearing In a onversnilon with President Jxjrcnio Know un the train between I Halt leak omit lirlnhum City lat Hat urdny Nov 7 I win Riven Oho Imprr scion that I have absolutely nothing to unite for In any other than 1 public hearing such at I now rwiueit rourthIn writing lo President IM 1 rcnio Know Nov I 1 9 saying 1 shall not trouble my brethren therefore to convene In a special 1 meet hug named tor Thursday at oclock p m In the hlMorlan olllce And thin after the meeting had been tJ at tile special request r1 I Fifth nj rseortlnii lu the quibble that he win not Invlied In the meet Ing One week later when he wa noil llMl that hb case would Iw considered and In elating slme I judgment In thine I I mutters ha hewn already pannd NinthIn charging lreldmt Ixi renin Snow with publishing matter In order to gratify the at parent curiosity Ilr five sung men ant decrlblmr hits r llrolher Hnuwi explanation M I bitter und acrimonious communlcallo TIn MANIFIttTO IOonlhIY endeavoring 10 make U appear that the uUthorllle of the church In I puhllnhlnR the declaration of prlnclplp had contradicted what they had previously announced In the Dewret New and an Intervley wllh the Halt Ink Time as to the political liberty of the member of the church He used thl language Ap I have already staled I understood stood the manlfMlo at the time It wu handed me for approval Jut A I underMand It now While It oiilentlbly appeured not to milrlct tho llbertit ollh people yet them wa no limitation limi-tation to II application and In view of the fact that nearly every male member mem-ber of the church hold soma olllce and A there has U yet been no public decision announced D to the olllcer lobe controlled by I there haze arisen dliputea and difference of opinion I a to rlI Intent This 1o true and the danger being that It could bo applied to restrict the liberties of the people I cannot sustain I I thought then as I think now that such a court would be a nullification I had never dreamed that a condition would arise In my life where 1 could not serve 001 fully and yet yield my complete allegiance al-legiance to my country and to my tale The spirit of the manifesto as It appealed to me was In violent antagonlim to all I had believed n publicly proclaimed for many year and I could not and so far have not been able to bring myself to a point where I believed I should yield my political judgment to nay leI of mere however Vrnicnurthy their tatenlloee When the manifesto a w Went e1 tn WIn ttMared lo m mH theno cimmand in all to reroatihw 11 W ie she church aulharillM 10 PJ I for political oncr ii meant af t1eJa rO was roniern d n reosltMlhg I O alt prlnlple I had lor year lt I > la1e a McrdlnR rm Ih gruulW I II rupled during the Irul reM 1 upl0 durlno dlloO tlu4 l end OhnSe all Ii made me fasjt would I be U IIi to myself NI claim the 1 oIl Ice wren It YR t el the light 1 have the ranlfesQ Isp piled a Ito construction will M1GWe Sr Imclol wi I Il it would he miwMMM AMt I whine iifrxmal ambition fair SN Hot inJ subvert their P05re 1 l could ate be operated to the Injarf ofi KIR11ahthhIe s rtHUR = I the mingling of religion AII hw repeatedly thrust hie 41 ells wllh the church Into IalllltlaloS a tor Instance In the 1al l R 1e at the ole of the tennlorlnl cOBMt < IM it a reception given him at i POL = orh I Feb Ii 1M7 and also a recehlII ° to I the II II Idaho leclilature lab hiOUlS nk iII 1 There to I room In Ihl new elate her ill oclelles aril all nrannlialle alI they must confine ihwnMlv soli M proper limit I The men who < the supreme law of Ihl stale JJcl Itrl the clllcen I IheraK 1 41 1 wlh ibis nation thai certain Ihafj should Ice don and perfonn d and II must keep those covenant IK write I dflre Iu and proi rlly for uirt will draw the line sharp txtwtfi li rights of the cltlien and the I + OWMa of the slal and Ihos of hO 5InUFOk I Ile who votes for the union of tM I w J or hs over riding of the church W Jt stale I tin friend of Utah He wnoTj I I vltea the Inlertenllon of line ohsleh Hat matter Is I ar enemy to Utah It I we think we cn bring pewee and < neP tlnual prosiierlty lo Ihl nw slate wI lemimliInK with Ihl iiueitlon wi wIre w-Ire inUtskrn With the same hones t of 11rnoees 1 but with n much more Joyful hel m I had voted I with hla quorum to tract the Halm entire pottlc freedom lit meant It then hll Joel as sjaeerflr mean It now He who Ihllk 1 + tllalr i I we am surrounded by the wow I KaUhond that II ts I now safe to unitr that which hie lent said lo pre1 lea by ION or act that liter A any da secure pllrlty 1 desired nr doubl concession dealing 1c I In mlltskM order to Hn had not laid aside hls OmN In Ih church to obtain lolllleal honor 1IO t II ll eosriuel Ireetuee he saw dire oalamlty oonfruM I nit the people It thl oourse wr taken Its audience knew the potHMa lie load occupied for in yar on the iueinii of Illierty and he could Ill now wllh one act expung that reaed and stultify the 10 llnl xntlmenl eta et-a life llnu 111 poke of he Innate nf the Mormon iieopl In led early day ate dwelt on the relation between lh 11 church and state under a repuMlMa nnli deccribed form of government He described tin position he had taken on this subjwt and reviewed some ot the elrouro mance connecteil with the recent nwn lftn and his refusal ta sign It Hf aln rouI moeded that this church had 1 Hunt 10 discipline Its mmlier for the Infraction In-fraction ot church rule but I had n right lo carry church limners Into ye lltlcal affairs AIHlUIittM TO Till MMUHLATinin NlnthIil hla own publUhed ex planallon of Ihe remark lie tnadi lathe la-the legislature about a higher alliance I i follow No leitlslntor can keep hula oath of Oates Inviolate l If he or ohe nllowsithi lllclnls of an eccle la tloal organlia lion lo control hits action wlthlnUh province I ot the Hate The day must come In Utah when he who In nR an otllcer In the share hold a higher alhglanee to the chefs of any 5111101 11 ehuroh organtxahioI loon llKit which under hole its r oath Iwlong to thus Mate moot nu IM a law maker In 1 the hall of lUj r state TnlhIn the Oslo article he asi i hits language IMublleM n great itruggle Is I now InauKuratKl In Utah a struggle for freedom for Illierty for the Integrity of free government for the prlnclpl IncoriioraleI In American Institution If the stale ii I to Iw controlled by the dlclHIIni < > t the church Its sovereignty Is I a myth la I ol and Ito lndpndencv an Irrldeiwent dieam II In a CMIIM o profound Rratltude and thankfulm that so many noble and true women and men hun as the rireentatl > e of a Crest and earnest prupl hv mood unlllnchlngly In hue fc of Intense tens and unscrupulou oppmltlon day after day for more than half 1 hundred hun-dred ballot aO exponent and ado ales ot the principle of Jefferson and Jaklll ifl Ip I only In thl idyll that Utah will continue redeemed from a I h raw IB A obnoxlou A that of African slave cry or ItUMlan serfdom Also Ihle The state demand of It le clthuna well And fslih and law maker duty fully performed under oath Th church demand of its meml > rs the callus Individual another different I thing The higher allegiance to Ihlnl 1b which I referred would require obeill cue tn the church Here is I a oonltlot Who I responsible Under our shale conitllutlun the church la I rMponiMe ThAt being so the proiier solution of the conflict and dlllloulty b I simple Let tho church vacate the forbidden ground and all will ice well I repeat thins holding such tither rpAI allegiance should thud no place la the hal ot the legislature T3IU LON HITJJCII Ilevenlh The Imo Idea r elaborated In hie mtech Introducing Mr Warren lV n < r ut Logan hob I Twelfth No matter what n Ids Intention the effect of hie utterances and rouT on the public mind sow that hD flfhllni line church on a vital question namely the pollllal 1 llburllea of the members of the church That ho t the champion of fr + lni ax agaliuii the chain which < church was forging to bind them That the church wa endeavoring tu dominate the dais and Interfere will Ito fuiiollun and he < 0 ouixximt that attempt That the leader of thin church had profeeeed polltlcul liberty to the peoplo In order lo gain titrtwd und then had chirngrd their iiotuy 1 and promulgated a new rule lo doinl nato them and restrict their ixultu ll llbertle and were thu guilty o double dealing and punic faith Till U shown by line letter Introduced Intro-duced by llrother Thatcher from Ill lre byteTlan preacher at HI Ucnr the article by the Cntlollc pri < tat t-at Denver Introducvd by Hnxl > r tlrant the letter written by HretMf 1 U Woolley at HI Urorge the rallrliK around Illother Thatcher of the one > mlwi of the church Iho endorsement of the hostll pros and the direr of the multllud who weru antaicvinlitlo to the uhurch leader TJUrtecnth The letter written > iy I3ld r J I Jol 1010 to Droller Thatcher shows that llrother Itoterta porcolvvd tha err ct which had t e fcroduced onetime publloumind by Ibor united oourMj and In not listening to tha appeal thus mae and not endeavoring endeav-oring to correct that wrong there Wal an unchrlatlanllk crlrlt ixlitblttJ br brother Thatcher Ve > recognize the fact that Uroth Thatcher bodily anilcllon halo ben treat and that they weakened him In I mUid to come extent J ruibsr t Did hr t In < ul 110 1 trnln while u u h r fate cutisl 1 Hints This eh i I i onsldirecl when the degree Of i li i iMoin Is deterrrlnetl i Hi 1 i Thatcher evidently fnertered the 11 I 1 that his brethren of lh IaIn r some < if them at least Inn > hi nimls and that they de nt1 11 hay In crowd and crush him n I ihi affected his mind as much I + i On his iKIHv infirmities In I I i Mm wiong aj he now am > raH ra-H n rIrridenllr allowed the Idea I I imnrntned In hn mind Ulll hoN ho-N i > unr great obligation 10 his Parr i and ihat these were ouch aa In i leihihw 1 his prevllU Obligation tO the nhmit and the church Yl tin re 101 hlnu In them In 1f it < m i nr Thttolier from coruniltlna I > h in I Mvthren In referenc lo hint Ir important aO srfecllng 1M soil far r i whole iieiple NI wit 10 the Arau matter liroihi Thatcher hsa cleared himself nt 1 ni I Inn lOt he was financially linn I in that paper or wits r sr 11 t fir 110 utterance and cur I Hn he tnlihl have repudluted tin I J > and shameful Wet urn In enie I ii hi wy and we Ihlnk hit Ilimit i imtM dune 1 The fact that tin in ni men hate refrained from re Hyii J M r nntlclntf falsehood In the mi i lie rlltlng on thenleelves rIln do a nI tloy to nor does It touch the cas f Hrher Thftlrher neglecting In rOI1 thing hut reflected uuon h li tlmn and eialted htm I ami ere I albeit th inipresjHoii thnt he favored ihn wv thtnk hue erre1 In Io cjm I drn sing ihoo thlngei In com publlo uenncr 5p 1 i Ma plea that hue suslalnc1 the church l nuihorltle a slronglv lust Ime Ihrl nulol hale gone lo the middle of AN Hii If They had whispered to him Iliad Ili Inns their wlelm the r1 that lie I 1111 01 I 1 mformli the Inmto Ile whlih iluv silbmltlwl ti > lillll for Ml ilgiiaiur wilgh very heavily In con tenet Hut In 1 Itrother Tlialchera de rarlule tram the true sIdrlt of n son UIII of the loch be was laboring tin di r it iniapinehenslon of the purtww of the i hurch aulhoillle nut of the minln if the role In the declaration of prim pies Thl wee S hit led I him to plae 1 them In a also light before the public and hue bring hem Into disrepute end cause disaffection and dl vlsln among the Inllsriloy Hatnts The spirit he has nnw InnlrII and tle < xirealon of wllllimneyie to do alt In hi IHIWIT In make right such wrong as have Inch brought about though unintentionally by hla course and writings commend llself to our rald ration Wo are glad that light hi iime to him and hat he can se he mns in error when be pet up Ills Individual Judgment against thai of 1 the leading aulhorltl ot Oho hIt h-It wa a monstrous notion that all these leading brethren were guilty of douhlK dealings and tunic faith I wa one that should snake any man pause and relied and ask himself It hn himself R not In the wrong and had brethren tnlnjudged his tIOluIr thankful that till Invxllga llnn has lost conducted In kindness I ind patterne and irelllieralton and Cub a desire to bring forth the truth llrolher Thatcher had tin right lot lo-t > lar hll iasn 05 he viewed It before Ills I brethren with 05 much ueian D mi wired Having don so ho Iu1o sub I I Il I I tiled It to hie council In 1 spirit of humility which in I > e gratifying Iq us nail we Iwllet pleasing to the Iid 1rlI was nlsn very gratifying lo hear llrolher Thatcher acknowledge the ipostle n Iho mouth piece of Ihe Lord clothed with authority ai rophet seers and rvvelalore and no nowledge that they were seeking till alvutlon while problne hla nllment ta thus very bottom Much acknowledgment acknowledg-ment are Indicative that Illother I Thatcher li ready lo comply with out Julilon which he t as follow TIIK DKCI8IOS We therefore decide that the charges l iRilnit llrolher Mose Thatcher have Iwen sustained and that In order tu re lain his itandlnR And fellowship In the Church of Jesus Christ of latterda Halnt ho publish I statement to tin Mtlifaollon and approval of the presl drnoy at Ihl Hake of 7100 fully aov rrlnir the following point vii That In taking thin position that Die authorities of l11e church by Issiilnir the declaration of prlnrtpl on April I 1100 acted In violation of pledge previously given and contrary la what they had published III the Deerret Newm and git en to the Halt Lake Times he was in error sod In thus dark That ho now see there b I tin con met between that declaration and their former utterance In reference to polit ical rfalra That he was mistaken In conveying line Idea that the church nulhorltle < rl desired and Intended lo unit church and state or lo rxerclsa undue Inllu once In iwlltlcal affaire That wherein the public have been ted t believe through hlo utterance that the leader of the church were forvlnir chain lo bind line member of the church an Impression ova created which he did not Intend and doe not whets to prevail That wherein he inns placed the authorities au-thorities of the church In a false twit Hon however unintentionally ho has don them an Injiiillc and Is I ready to make such amend a5 Ho In hula III power i That hn acknowledge HID flrit residency and council ot the anosll R Ooda servant 00 prophets Mars and revelator and Ihelr authority Is suprema In the church That when one man U I nut of liar mony with hem In the enunciation of a rule for the guidance of lice church ho must lubmlt to the rule or ua roe tfarded A not In full fellowship That no member ot he church hiss the right lo oplors and bring Into I I contempt any rule of tins church which hu been formulated by proper 1 authority Mtieclally when It has Leon adopted by tine church as nll body That he wn In error In Haling In his published Utter lo 1iesldent lat vnxo Hnow I During nil these weary month while friends and physician bellvd t I Wil In the Vera or thus grave J wan ndinlnlitered lo only onO by membur of our quorum although day utter day engagements mad for that pun > ou I kept were for reason unknown to ma nut I keptIn this connection ha may pale that one such engagement wa not bolt but that this wa not an Intentional I I I breach of promise i tfJ leeches and published lt hero he hso used expression which had been better unsulj and that hll regrets their ulteranoe ulllrono That ho know of no higher alle clones or more solemn and binding anl obligation Hun those of I rellglou character between I man and blOod UodThat In peakhng of chaln op Irlon curtailment or IltuOrlI malice anger pits and rllvnl he did not Inland 10 relict upon the authorltlea of the church In any way and Is I rlevlll that his language hu been so construed That In falling to attend the meet lend Inn of the twelve apoll ° n Nov n and again on t U he wade grave allin h now regrets IhoUlh bll did not e II then II that light That he belv his brethren or the spoltlea hAve hssn oluald by a Aelre 1 tr ide nlvat Ot ant not Into I d colic t10n and Ihl IhoUllh Ihlr rebuke hate been sharp they were Intended to bring htm to a seas of hi true position That wherein hll haa wronged Any of hi brethren by word deed I Improper understanding of their spirit and Intent he now asks their forglvt nes nesThat he has obtained light wherein he wa In the dark and can sustain In his faith and fiellng Inn authorities of the ihurch Its doctrines rule and regulation and desire lhs fellowship of the church and humbly ask for glyeneee for all his fault AVWS M tANXOX JOHKIll K TAVUI1 IIMHnB W IKNHOSB Attached lo Ihl I the follnwlnf from Mr Thatcher THATCHKU8 HNIHMMKMRNT Wllhoul nuallflcatlnn or mental reservullon 1 iiepl hhs deelalon la full MOKKN THATCIIRIt Mr Thatchers letter accepting the decision and all the condition Imposed Is I as follow Tint KxmwmieM IOTTMII Malt Uk City UiaJi tug U WH 1residnuh Angiw M Cannon Joseph H Tat tor red lIMrlx W IennM blear Ilreinrm I 1 hale before mw your decision u approveil by IIK high council uC she Halt Luke Make of yen urmlfyllHI the omllllHu by whioh I rear main my dandles and felkiwhli in the churcei In ouflnriHinn < he HHh II M 1 belisv wH umlersiuoil that 1 argument de ductton amt vttwu loiwi baee1 uinrn er IMIIXIUS Iur mtpea iMMake uf the scalars of the pr tilers Dtsmselte Mr 1 case hs iirnven tto ekeeplton 4 Oil general I rule Wnen I cam before lee ruumll fur a hearing I Informed you that I 1 was seeking liaht ut hell veI Iha i me Ion = nnlfet II in < he nmllng of 910 IrAunl I having well I tMlnvd tacos and rmplte Jurlonrtin ne BO whew I ilei rmiiie1 sal oVAnllrfy I libl that lliT > sled no Cease ta nl or vnnhh as blween Ih i forme e a u itnrllallve ellIr annnInIt 05 n o In lCw the lnlrlilual I lib lie and Iw rOnal pc Illlcal fnixfcim of the inimliei rn 0f the ehureh and Ihe nnnotmiwmewu contain I In ha IM eclarslliin 1 of irtncl lee nn sins am lllijicl 1 lelcenl denned In Nis tubber onnl wheceln rerlaln Iml nnH rhuroh onVlals are me Mewl so seek counsel before acceuimg political I I olllec or etlteellMT Into other engaa > meuts IhaI would Interfere with triiHaaitun already male here PIrN In my mind Mia ham earnestly prayed for ono solo the lllilanee of which I can ieeH Ihe Dee lsi0on I f 1rlniliilea wlltinul stoHlfylng myself In accenting I N define by Ma I riMincll I need vlobUe rein of Ihe engag s Inters hrr rceMM e 1I M Umler t le rqiilertnems or narly pleilg reneo < liMl I the palltlesi ImMiiiubnce or Ihe VlllMn w + ho remains lull rammMl a ronls iu pealed in lh guamixees of the Mal oon outlet Inn Having repeatedly amrm1 l wllthNrn to make emends where I ho 1m Inn brethren 1 In public uitemnre or nther hra wbe whit a I r mlMiipn4ienslnns I = to the irUK sitinilon I an l 5 s you have In foeened me tlml I rosy ilo lh4i by eeeiil 1 Ing yjur deciilnn nnd as that rouse wuril previtH argument and 1 illsnille MS In wtieiher nr n I hd eomiille1 in full elk nil reiiiilrelneM I Scab dos d 1 rll pine Just as mil rond cast I a part of thta eonimtinleailon soeeirt I by stuoh leg my signature anlx I hereto ami nu thorlM you la n ks II public In any manner man-ner yvu may deem imiMir Hera attach Ih lfel Wit eeY rejtieelfiiliy peer heuWl1r 1o the twne1 M0J TITlm 1IK IH ItHHTOIlKI The flmtl document In the reuse Is troth the stske preldnry the effect ol which to I lo restore Mr Thatcher tt full nmtiershlp In the church Ill loin CWp lIh A tl I un tPe herrby SPeept hit rarOlnK 1Mee from tasetIluanlarnl A1 wndonemnN or III 1lla Ir Ice hlall oun 1 on hl cams arIves Au II 11 lOlt as a saltafaetory piMnee fr she deelsinn I ne l reloles In Ilsht IIh 1 or suhml ice rt Iwra tam to Ilro l T + ilwAer ern hl rw seep t yt I 1 loIIjnK or Ihp o munMl l and > the hrll r the prwWlnt onlaero or the ehureh nf dirlt ANdlH > iANVnv K JlWmll I TAVIOII IIIAI tR IC niAiuKH w i > cjrnnin Presidency Ian of Ihs Welt Ik ettak or |