Show Plum nujr Illrji li C urea Ht IrfiiiN Mo Aug IIiutcnant lami M I MOM and the nicmbtr of the blcjtlo cote + uf low rwmty fifth rigl ncnt U S A will lest JtUVrton barracks on tow 17th by rnll to their rcglmtnt nt 1orL I Mlsvmln Mont 11hell lluiitciiunt MINU rrachct fort Mlttouln hit Ural duty will lu to pro I tnro n detallid rtport of the trip and furwurd It to the star dipartinint The rtport to bo fiirntsbid lam wiir ilcpartimnl will contain more mlniithu 01 him joiirni limn hnmciiihid tha gincrnl public Including tin iimntlt > of ration carried the detail 1 of their contumpthm nn I dUtrlbutlon the i weight of nccoutn mentt and tho do tailed manner of their nhlftlni tow arrungcintntof ripiitr problem ko that the cntlro iimimnnd was never dilnjcd progro thu physical en puclt of the nun 10 moor reclaim Hi taut In certain time the effect hI hungi and tlilrt the adnplnblllt of the wheel to to > graplilinl and metvo niglcul iHindltlont Ml those ronald trntlun will IK dltcuMed |