Show NIII c lllfnl That tho English language hat Its limitations sometime la I sometimes shown with startling 1IUllrtneaa when a foreigner limit It necessary to coin a word or Gila n new meaning to an old world In order to express an Idea A hospital physician who was making J tho rounds of tho Institution In the performance of his regular duties had lilted and prescribed for all the nick Inmates except one an Irritable fretful fret-ful and troublesome young man who had arrhed only a fow hours before and of whoso presence the doctor had not been advised Well ho sail 1 looking nt his watch I believe I havo seen all Ibo patients have I not Yes Bare replied the attendant a recent Importation from tbo other silo of tho ocean but tare Is nn impatient Im-patient In xo next room who ecu very Bcek |