Show A TflUg HELPMATE I Cenereetoana Hit Brliem to tints lapalIIT Amuar lIarot tolees Great uccee often depend upon mall consideration and the wife of a member of congress a statesman to whom hla constituent are wont to mint as a men of the people whom flattery cannot divert from hit old eua tom and aetoclatlom fully realize this fact says the Washington Star A school friend who had not teen her nine her girlhood surprised and de llthted her with a visit not long since How Industrious you are ox calmcd tho lsllor In what IIy1 I dont know I suppose It 1ft I fancy tvrrk I know that you used to have a great aversion to plain sewing Uut you must be very diligent Indeed to have your work basket In this room Would you like to know what I am at work on 1 Certainly You shall sea for yourself Hero It Is And she held up to view a half knit sock of oldfashioned bluo yarn You you dont mean to nay that jour husband neara things llko that Oh no Ida wouldnt think of wearIng wear-Ing them I have n whole lot that I give away to anybody who will uso them themDo Io you do this for pleasure No It Isnt at all for pleasure Itt tuslnes anti I never occupy myself In hat wry except when It Is I absolutely eeecmry Hut I always keep the work handy and whenever ono of Ibo old ashloned rural voters of my husband district come to make him a call and you hun no idea how many honor lIa with that attention I get < It out and knit away for dear life It Is a good deal of bother hut Its worth It tar you really cant Imagine how It pleaacr hem |