Show OUR aMALLCnCOLLEaE3 I In SlanT itepeets They Ars IIallll net I lr Week Than the 1Cor floe There are a few striking facts about I the urnIt American college write Bd ward W link In the Ijtdle Home I Journal One striking fact la I that 00 per cent of the bralnleet American who I 1 have risen to prominence and success ae graduate of college whose names are scarcely known outside of their own states It la 1 a fact aim that during the put ten year the majority of the new and heat method learning have emanated from the smaller colleges 1 I col-leges and hate been adopted i later by the larger one Ile cause a college happen to bo unknown un-known two hundred mile from the pUce of Its location doe not always mean that tho college la I not worthy of wider repute The fact can not bo disputed dis-puted that the most direct teaching and nrcearlly the teaching most productive produc-tive of good reoull la I being dono In the smaller American rollege The name of them college may not be familiar fa-miliar to the majority of people hut that make them none tho less worthy place of learning The larger college are unquestionably Rood Hut them nro smaller college Just as good and In some rcipects better Homo of the finest educator wo have aro attached to the faculties of the smaller Institution Institu-tion of learning Young girls 01 young men who are being educated alone al-one of the smaller college need novel fuel that the fact of tho college being i email ono places hem nt a disadvantage disadvan-tage In comparison with the friend 01 companion who has been Bent to a lam Kr and better known college It Is I nol the college It Is I tho student |