Show Mronllljl or Ton Names Tho meaning of tarlout names of cl tic la tuggcstcd by tho discussion concerning con-cerning the proper orthography of Illtaburg Inasmuch ns tho h has much to do with It Old Paris WM formorly called by Itt Roman Inbabl taste Iutclla meaning Mudtown London derive tin name from the oilS fortified hill of tho llrltons stonilin where St Pauls cathedral now Is I Dublin Dub-lin means tho flack Pool and Liverpool Liver-pool the pool of living creature Homo la said I to mean the crews roads and Ilcrlln I la variously translated I as I meaning tho short lake the free and open place the river Island and I tho marshy spot Pcrnamlmco mean the mouth of hell Ilombay good boy while Cairo Is I a corruption of ii I Kahlrah Iho victorious Jipa ban Is I tho half of time world Aatrak ban tbo city of the star llagdad the garden of justice anti Copenhoge 1 tho merchant harbor Kxcbance |