Show srN TOn OEORUC DEAD lIa a 1IcoIl Ilmnemel In the lcuII a 1 nor TnekMin Mitt 1uuK1 10Th remain re-main of Vnntor George lie In Mnte here and I ore Ulng vltwcd I by ptnionnl political frlcndt Hit dcntb moue atntbock ne be wnt riported to bo inprorlntf and I was dally expected lo caro hit couch Our I f r Ttvr 7 BmUTOlllllmnOl Senator Icorgo Ivan n iiieinlier of the Mute convi ntlon nhltli Imaieul tin or llnniucof kcreMtnn lie cntcnsl 1 the lonfidirnte nrinv nt a captain 11111 Irote lo how rank of I rlgn Her Kcnerul He wat elected Mipremo Judge and Inter ihhf Jiittki which plncu bo tacutid to go to tin m null lie was ono of the ktrong nun of low kouth |