Show I PRICE OF MIXICAN 8ILVEH lemlnemn lean I n mllo XI tee lh < IOMFM millrmrl lay of Mr lm Ana 17 Ktehanft on New fork row tortar on the firth dmji In sheer to Ill and In setae con 110 win naked Itanken were In rtooll nt tu dust rate tu make In Hew of the mndlllon nf the direr market flail 1 legs were itotnlnnl Rmhait oa ion doe I went to IS the lowmt on rernrd soil Involving for thin government In meeting the Interest on IU nUrllng debt a IIM nt the ml of oaouiiiptr annum Th4t Kiiveriiment mn fleet thlt lAW by raHioniln and lag the surplus fund bat sinkers hem say the time IIM com when homelhlBj mast hr dime And the debt hood pay a lower rate nf Intrrrat than 1 per ernt and Uo that Vexkw la entitled to relief In I view of the punctual payment of her gold lullrout under trying chasm I tUnnn 1 Ills denied that a rery anilon I I wnllitifiit prevalU M the people 1 han Hume III XloocoL a ntlll further lupine I In the volts of sliver not mnny pre diet It will be l fiireed to n Hnt whore I quid the duller will 1t l w iftli an mute le |