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Show COALVILLE TIMES TIMES FIBLMHINO UTAH. mil NEWS. A nv br.dge is to be constructed across 1'jov. river nt the mouth of the can veil Liar La ikkauuuiu Sharp's aut." Ephraim jtixu Lbura, a graduate of t .the college, charged tvith aleu ,ug cattle at I.ou, lias been LalU'r-day-Sa,n- acqum.-.- XI IS t X. 1 Iaiw CO. COALVILLE. , I.Midcu Went to nt on HnrortL City of Mexico, Aug. 17 Kxehang on New York row-- t silicon the fresh drop iirUTvcr to HI. aud in home wax Uhked. Hankers were in ihuht as to what rate to make hi view of th I'ea condition of the silver market ings were nominal Eohangeon l. don went to 71 . t he lowest on ro "id aud involving fortius government in meeting the interet on ils ter 1" a hiss at tin- rate of L ' annuin. 'I he government inn meet this,-1by economies and using the si'ip or hilt hunt ers In re a i ll. lias tome when something mf.-- t n should p.n a done, and the h rate of interest than n per mil an! also that Mrs no is nil it h d to re, ,, f n view of the punelii.il pawm nt of in i gold interi st under tiy.ng i 'inn stances. It is not denied that n cr anx.ou' scntiiucnt prciails. ustlieaopn h,m come to i;xpci t a still fm Ihcq, ih i nt ih the val ic of hilvei. and main n diet it w ill lx- forced to a point w dollar will lx.-- w ortimniiJJiJa u. . gold. . -- '" Tt) farmers in Tooele county are reaping fairly g'xid cioa this year, but nothing to compare with last year's production. (me K) !r is vyted ut Ephraim for Issuing worthless ehei k. 1 he Manli Coop. was caught f 'i MU and I.uther T. Tuttle for S.o, couuty parties Ere also sufferers. l Attousey-tiyueruBishop lias rendered an opinion to the effect, under the law, the compensation of the secretary of the state hoard of horticulture should be Snoo a year. Governor Wells passed his thirty-eightmilestone on the jlth inst. and waa the recipient of congratulations and well wishings at bis residence in halt I.aUe. Tip' governor waa born in Salt Lake City August II, 1859, just a little over twelve years from the time of the founding of Salt I.ake. Mr, Bussell fired a charge of small allot at some birds that! were destroying his fruit at Tooele and two of the shot were, by some means, deflected and struck a little child of a neighbor, and was qniekly knocked down by the father. Mr. Bussell felt very sorry over the affair, and for that reason he refused to prosecute the father. A meteor which fell at Morgan attracted the attention of those who were fortunate enough to be up until midnight one night last week. The meteor fell from south to north, describing sn arching curve of much beauty. Some of the observers said that a sharp buzzing like that of a sky rocket ccompsnied the flight of the r n- - " KILLS HIS MOTHER- h tar. Great Interest is being shown in the Eisteddfod to be beid In SL George in October next, and already Secretary Alfred M. Durham has received a large number of lettera of inquiry bearing upon the subject The prizes offered for the rendition pf the various selections are liberal. It la announced by the secretary and those in charge that ell those wishing to complete for th? different prize should hand in their names not later than September 1. and -- Atiha.aa.meu.tluia. jUaiJi.auUxUoa na which they will compete. I - -- t - II, M ( 1 1 j itx 4 ' oii'hlnaliea imlilloo IlioB- - I 1 f the Re Lo(ou Timw Thunder A(iinft CANADIAN THATCHER REGULATION. They Carer the CoUeetloa ol Royalty oa Gold Mined on the lukoa Silver Of Apostasy and FOUND OOULTY I nrhrivtUn-I.lk- a Coo." duct. Teller he Denver, Aug H Ottawa, Ont., Any- 16. The regulaSalt Lake City, Aug. 14. Moses arrived home and intends to remain in tions formulated by the dominion gov- Thatcher has Wen found guilty of to 'a ado ui.m: fad In an intervew he" ernment, covering the collection of a conduct and. .unchristian-likf at strongly ojqkieed apostasy 11.-- exptesv royalty on gold rained in the Yukon, by the authorities of Salt Lake stake, of s Kepubli-c.insilver the on a to a lomh ter at'' son silver. In closing the'." pushed in the official gazette land the finding approved bi? the high W."1 'I'iiVy Republicans in w riter th just lakued. They are as follow: rtiCi,. counsel. Mr. Thatcher has submitted say: this st.i'e th s fa i. on the mosey That uP"n 811 Fold mined on the to the decision of (lie tribunal. The The losing of the (Indian) mints i ,n Gie regulation main consideration 1, and all that wax now need-- a imposed was an en- undoubtedly of ed jut for the government of placer mining dor8t.mt.ut 1tf v!,e niailifesto promul- hr to to a great experiment ii ict ire the green-mile- s ssfu rill 'If little courage 8lor th V,lUu river and it trihu- rei)Ulring counsel to betaken and perfect ,1 m ST cent shall be a as Wi .1 .s resunirce on the Wore wBiL.er, uf t)u. Hum h could ac part of the taries, roxaltv national banka and collected obv to be finan- teof the. Indian empire. At eept nomination for political offices. to issue all paper ' for the the appointed sunprovided e purpose, one, plain and straightfor--uugA construction was put upon the man-- , ! move will be to in is advisable upm one that the ainounWnuicd and taken from ifesto which "aril ink notes will permitted Mr. Thatcher he Indian statesmen . tarn- - any single claim doc not exceed VH l to endorse it w ithout A k lding his con-- , U hat will lie the polll ! levied and tentiou. t long with bimetal ism. This per week, there shall ll wa --his lefuxul to in-- ' .st ration will have Wrci! Hi.lected 10 a of upon dorse this measure that led io hia flirui',which seem so innocent percent royalty ng gold the only and iiiM - iious, has already cost them the amount as taken out up to g'0o ami deposition from an apostleship. and dear but for that the government upon the excess of amount taken from led to hi trial. The question else would have consented to the closing of any single claim over "00 per week, largely entered into the late senathere shall W levied and collected a torial tbe minis long before contest, which aroused much inThe article comments on the char- - royalty of 70 per cent, such royalty to terest and bitterness at the time. act,.r sic crudeness ami boldness of form Ilart ?f ,he consolidated revenue Thatchers objection to the manifesto xnd to be accounted tor by the officers was Amci a an diplomacy in sending a that it wa t' sweeping. As 'v commission to effect a reop- who collect the same in due couise. about every third male metnlier of tbs ening f the Indian mints while at the church is an officer under the church, SENATOR CEORGE DEAD. t.v tame Line dealing the worst possible by requiring counsel before accepting blow at British commerce a nomination for office would place by passing Was a Brigadier iieneral lo the Confederate Ann . the hngley tariff. political control within the bauds of it is clearly impossible to treat seriJackson, Mi.. Aug. 16. The re- the few, should they bo unscrupulous ous1! a commission which argues that mains of Senator George lie in Mate enough-t- o use it. Mr Thatcher asked nnle-- s we do something for silver the he.re ami are being viewed by personal for a construction, but it ha never beUnit d State will send Mr. Bryan to anl political friends. liis death came fore been given. It has now leen da- the a shock, as he was reported to be cided, however, that it does not apply bite House, to the lasting injury 0 British interests. improving, ami was daily expected to to officers who do not give their whole " It is not certain that Mr. Bryan leave his couch. time to the service of the church. This will te elected. It is not even certain removed Mr. Thatcher's principal obthat if he were elected we W'ould suffer SENATOR TELLER, jection. Other conditions were that he retract nmnev by which debts may Me. paid, more than we should feel a new with some statements made which hail their il w another be to ey in act. the have All debts paid McKiuley in the controversy which folMoreover, British investors in Ameriorigin metal." yellow can lowed the promulgation of the manisecurities have time before the Mr. Teller think the international next the trouble that followed. festo and election bland presidential not much before do for will commission the crush, to get rid of them. metallism. ACTIVE. CARLIST'S is certain, we would be The country will lose nothing by their failure,', he said; publiy approv-- j very foolish to do anything for silver. London I Found to lto a Stronghold Fox al i the price for which they are Even should the United States and The ScoulHy. to Franc de-tlu-bifnetalism agree and will not i a take adopt working, and London, Aug. 11. The Tall Mall cided stand on cither side for fear of England to reopen the Indian mints it afternoon in a long artithis would Gazette, bolster silver for a only brief up losing votes on either cue side or the cle upon the increasing activity of the pare to fall again to its proper marother." Carlists, ket so says it is not generally ltnoxvn that Indian finances price; The outlook is indeed dark for silis one of the strongholds that London GEORGE. !x in would a SENATOR as if disnot position bad, ver, but our force are far from of the Carlists, a thousand enthusiasworse than liefore. do We for relief a not was of the member Senator hope couraged. George tic supporters of that party being lostate convention which passed the orduring the McKinley administration, fiere. The Gazette adds: cated of Nlierp. but the time is surely coining when we dinance of secession. He entered the The leaders seem to think that the Boise, Ida., Aug. 17. The board of Confederate arm v as a will be victorious, and that before the captain andro.se of fall Canovas has brings their opportunsent sheriflf the of He to the rank of brigadier general. expiration of another presidential equalisation During the past week term. The feeling is gradually hut Ada county to Custer to get the ab- was elected supreme judge and later ity nearer. have held many meeting to disstract of the assessment roll of that chief surely chaugiug throughout the counjustice, which place he vacated they cuss the best means of assisting their The members of board the silcount). I He wa one of the to go to the senate. try, and predict that in 19(H) free have been absent looking up the colleagues in Spain in the event of ver will carry the country as by storm. who strong men of the south. matter of occurring. the assessment of Mr. Teller declared for'Bryaa as the sheep have The Army lllcycle (Orp.. The Chevalier Lumbye, at the head all returned. Auditor Turner DepiKy lead forcei the sliver man to strongest St. Louis, Mo.. Aug. 16. Lieutenant of a Carlist club, in the course of a came with State Auditor Anderson in the next campaign James M. Moss and the memliers of the recent interview, is quoted as having from Bannock. lie states that the abregi- said: stract of assessment shows a correct bicycle corps of the Twenty-fiftFI.-- 48. - A,, The Carlist are' highly organized will leave Jefferson mUflWir ." nf ment,' tot tha't shCCp OoutUy The Long Absence in Klon.tvke Wllhoui TUlInt. j Ihe which it has been supposed are barracks on the 17th by rail to their throughout Spain. When Don Carloi m ( oiniiiiemtlon. SaltLake City, Aug. 16. William O. H,,d there- - he ha'- - ar Rrazed in regiment at Fort Missoula, Mont. next arises, nothing but foreign intertate Auditor fitorer who When Lieutenant Mosa reaches Fort vention will prevent him from reachof Utah, but later of 'W8- There are 10,000 volMissoula, Ills first duty will be to pre- ing the throne. pare a detailed report of the trip and unteers ih England ready to fight for him- forward it to the war department. furnished to war the be The hA had the effect of report lng to hia wife. As a result of tkia,8a board Savtd From Mob Vloleacibf Beds. official there, and the as- - department will contain more minutiie UP f Mrs. Young lielieved her has leached the Central than of the City, Colo., Aug. 14. At journey hand to be dead, and married again, .lessor has gone out to hunt up the ' the oclock thii includiug Storer public, quantity morning a mob from think from 100,000 to general Young was a miner who worked t dieep. Eureka a fewr years since, where he jF'9,000 v ill lie found. The state, he of rations carried, the details of their Russell gulch, armed and masked, the broke into the jail here by effecting wooed and wed a daughter of M. D, .lays, will get its proportion of taxes, consumption and distribution, dethe and of accoutrements an entrance through a door in th th of weight the total resilient of tint question fixing Bowen, a Later Mr. and Mr. Young re essment of the county for the purpose tailed manner of their shifting, the rear, and demanded the keys of thv In this cell moved to Tuscarora, Nev,, from whichjof making the state apportionment o! arrangement of the repair problem' so steel cell from the jailer. wa never lomniand held on the were confined entire four that taxes is one prisoners, does that not seem there point Young caught the gold fever and , went to Alaska three years since. Ills to be any solution of, as that appor- delayed in progress, the physical ca- suspicion of the murder of Alex diswas to men cover who certain of American an the miner, be must tionment pacity made now. letters became less and less frequent, tances in certain times, the effects oi stabbed during a saloon row with Ausand finally ceased. His w ife Cbneluded Foul t'lHT KUSMHtCli. hunger and thirst, the adaptability of trians on the night of the 9tli. The lie had succumbed to the rigors of the 17. Considerable the wheel to topographical and meteo-rogie- mob was after Dominic Rohr, believed suspi-rleBerlin, Aug In far north, and 'February lust tnarconditions. All these consid- to be guilty of the murder. The jailei C. M. FueKer, an ussayer, the coo- - t'on attaches to the accident to the w liicli will be discussed. was erations refused to give up the keys, whereupon derailed pie having since resided in this city Hamburg express, the inob fired through the bars into Last week Mr. Young sent Mr. Bowen between Cette and Uclseen, when 8a veil Viang. I.lfe. were killed and 13 the cage. The four prisoners escaped 85(H), with the information that he bail three passenger St. Louis, Aug. 17. Thomas Jefferis believed that was It death there by hiding behind the matrcssei made a strike, and requested that the injured. foul play, though the exact cause of son Sappington, an old time resident and bedding in their cell. The moba once Mrs. Young lie sent to him. of 8L Louis ronnty, who saved General supposing it ha l killed all four left e After a consultation with her father, the derailment ha not been U. S. Grant from capture by confederthe jail. Four leaders have been arami supplications by Mr. kilned. was buried on Monday at Sap- rested and a strong 1VH-ates, six hou,s ,"'forc the on,J guard placed Fueller, the lady dVcided to get n di-- j ll of this city. about the jail, but further trouble ia from Air. Young, when she ill pcriaFtrain bearing Emperor William pington, a suburn In 1864, when General Grant came feared. and Empress Augusta Victoria passed remarry Fueller. With this object to make a short visit to his farm hack aud the the the of r spot, theory view the two have started for cw ovi Air. Sappington, who j A WHEAT BLOCKADE police U that nu attempt was made to near this city, York. in the Second xx as a lieutenant first misto but that train, owing destroy ropoll.1 t halrmin a l Ire- -. A Ferfert Glut of It Four Into San calculation, the ipeeted effect was M issouri militia, learned that a num-heFrancUon. . Dallas, Tex., Aug. 14. Milton most radical sympathizers of the postponed. San Francisco. Aug. 15. The sea clinirmun of the National orgHiii.it-,,with the south had planned to capture is blockaded with wheat, which wall committee of the Populist, issued him as take and south General Grant A Conference, lengthy address to the Popuiis's of! Washington, Ang. 17. Since the prisoner. Mr. Sappington determined has been pouring into this city foi the United State, in which he vix: IBexv tariff act went into to thwart the scheme. He hurriee tc some days past from all sections of the operation state. The trusts, the monopolies, the cohave been in progress be- SL Louis and met General Grant just Five steamers are alongside dischargout for his farm. was rporations, the moneyed interest 0f. tween the he as starting secretary of state and the the country are organized. 1 heir to a was ing wheat, and the huge sheds, which disappointment French embassador here looking to The result strength is concerted into the action the formulation of a new agreement the men xvho were lying in ambush for are 1,000 feet long by 200 wide, are filled to their utmost capacity. The of one man, lienee their power, their between the two countries on the basis GranL success. If the people's parly would of Pueblo has arrived with 40,000 City of reciprocal tariff concessions under There Ar Others. sacks of grain from Port Harford, and hope to succeed they must orvauie, tue authority conferred by section 3 of Trovidenee, R. I., Ang. 17. A mem-le- r all the river boat and scows that ply they must jmify, they mnist , oihvu-trat- e tae tariff act ' It baa been finally of the Brown University faculty daily with river points are their strength. We are cobringing in Sherman, Assis- who that his name-b- e with- more. Orders have been issued nfronted today with obstacles and ene- agreed that Secretary requested to clean of the treasury drawn for obvious tant Secretary Howell reasons, has made up vacant lots in the vicinity of the mies within and without EmbassaFrench and the memdepartment a statement that the twenty-fou- r sea wall to accommodate the grain Tb rik( l.ik Jauiper ) u n , Ton ,, dor shall join in a conference on the bers of the faculty who signed the proand the Lombard street - Coloralo, Springs, Colo , Aug. is near and in future the it test against the corporation's action shippers, the subject wharf is also being cleared for the William B. Felts, the man w ho pro- believed that a new and satisfactory toward President Andrews would be same pnrpose. posed to jump from Pike's lVuk. i agreement will be reached. dismissed. seen on was missing, lie Friday, hen Cramp Want S ,000,000. OUI C!tin l)ron Dnul, A Silver Min I'lwwe. he left the signal station, saying lu. Washington, M. 17. Ang. 15. The William John Springriilf ttah, Ang. Idaho Colo., Aug. 17. As a was going for a short walk dim a tli and Sons Ship and Engine Crmp an pid and respected citizen result ofSpring. ' C'emenec. the decline in the price of Av carriage road toward the ton d f this plaee, dropped dead at 10 p. m. silver th Lamartine mine has dis- Building company of Philadelphia cade. ahile talking in a protracted meeting charged its force of men working in brought suit against the government of the United States, to recover dambold at the F irst ward meeting house. the silver lodes of the property. Some ages alleged to have been inenrred heard of him by those most interest minfive about of the company. properties are gold in in his movements. The flying machine Be had been talking building the battleships Massachuhe suddenly pitch forward. is still on the peak, aud opinion are utes when producers, and the company will give setts, Iowa, and Indiana and the cmi A friend caught him in his arms and its entire attention to the divided as to the cause of the d.vip development ers New York, Brooklyn and Columcarried him out of the door, bnt he of these in the future. pearancc, between a temporary al- bia, on account of delays and default! reached the open liefore dead a as they an accident in the cliffs, a ui. Bence, The Methon cotton mills at Methun, of the United States in furnishing th . , ir. Mr. Cleinenca was m native ol or loss of nerve. will resnune operations aext armor plate and plans. The amounts Mass., the Mormon He joined England. . Nearly 400 people visited the peak to church several years ago and emigrated Monday. The mills employ about 590 claimed in thfe several suits Aggregate 1,726,149. see the missing flyer. hands. to Utah. - e j : 1 ' v - ' l9. , 1 j A Son l ull llrr 1 hrimt ! I hen lu the lied Tex , Aug ' ! I ir 17 Mis halt Galveaten Gallnghcr, for twelve jeara a teacher- la this city, was found with her throat cut from cur to car uiid the body chili red hevound recognition After tilling her the murderer set tire to the tied. non of thf Virgil '.he arrested murdered woman, has and confessed that he committed the crime to gut money to spend on a va riety eetretM. The crime was deliber ami executed. The ately planned IihiI man packed his trunk ami young was ready in leave, lie had the furniture insured and with the money expected to leave Texas as seam as the Insurance c Mild he adjusted. Hut t was discovered in time to prevent the destruction of the ho ust anil the bloody shirt in w hicti the clime was committed. - ta-c- SOI D AT SHERIFFS Tbs. Idxhn Yellow Jarki-- t SALE- Gold - Vilnius (ouiMnv' rrorrlj-- . Nalinoryf Ids., Aug 17 All of the Idaho l'rllnw Jacket Gold M ining company's projierty at Yellow Jacket. Ida., consiktlng of a 50 stamp mill, 47 mining claim, water rights, ditches and flumes, has been sold at sheriff' sale under execution from the district court to JohnK. MeChestney of New York, the judgment Creditor, " foe f?o,ooo.- - Default judgment waa recently entered In the district court against the conipany IfTfiBTilVBfWYniLWWrOTTaT-formerlwhich it immediately resumed opera- tions, for the first time since it closed lastOetoWr The company will continue for the present under the same management. It now h4 forty stamps dropping and will increase to full camore pacity, giving employment-tthan 190 men. Albina N. Williams of Soda Springs Idaho, one of the twenty eeven survivors of the original band of 'pioneer who came to the Greet Salt Lake valley In 1817, bss just proved up oa a homestead near that place, tier husband was a' member of the famous Mormon bsttslion that took part In the Wells for I'larer Mining. Mexican, war, and she accompanied him on the campaign of that force. Rawlins, tVyo.; Aug. 17. Mr. V. R, n After the battalion waa disbanded Anderson of Koeky Ford, Colo., she-anFour-Milfor nistriet in her husband spent the winter placer of 18(6-4- 7 near where Pueblo, Cola, the past three weeks, inspecting his now atands, and one of her children holdings of plnct r claims. Mr. Anderwaa born there. In the spring of 1847 son has decided that the necessary they act out to join the advance guard water for working the placers can lie of the Mormon pioneers, and came up obtained by means of artesian well - with them near where la now Granger, and will at once let contract for 5(Hk Wya, and accompanied them' into feet of well digging for the 8al t Lake valley. Mrs. Williams purposes. The wells wilt la- - twenty . la 71 iu nnmlier, w 1th an average depth ol years old. The state board of equalization has 750 feet, at a probuble cost of 6 jiet completed fl ug valuations Upon the ft sit, in addition to this expense, upin properties of the various railway, tele- ward of 70,1x81 will be expended ami flumes of construction ditches, graph and telephone, companies of the the V V. Breese. state. The valuation areas follows; plant. Union Paciflo railway, (911,873; Echo now sinking the artesian xxelT at tint A Fark City, 317,447; Oregon Short plaee. will inspect the dtstriet for the Line, (,039,739; Bio Grande Western, purpose of bidding on the work. 4,703,384; Central Pacitte, 1,610,314; Miller Urpiilil!cn Commutes. Utah Central, 154,303; Salt Lake & Duluth. Minn., Aug. 17 ('hairmati Los Angeles. 113,150, Sanpete Valley, Towne has announced the executive Salt Lake A Port IVmglas, 5,840; Salt committee of the Xutlonal Silver Be Lake A Ogden, 77,4.13; Salt Lake A publican party. The memliers are Mercnr, 31,396; Ogden A Utah Ilot Chairman. Fred T. Dubois, Idaho Springs, 16,'.00; Ogden Union Bailway Judge J. J. Harper of Washington A Depot company, 193,521; Pullman Court House, Ohio; Ben S. Ihans o Palace Car company, 60,578; Salt Lake Jamestow n. X. Y.; A. M. Stevenson oi City Bailroad company, 357,110; Salt Denver, Colo.: Nathan Cole, Jr . of l,oi Labe Rapid Transit company, 155,392; Angeles, Cali.; James 11. Temer of t'hi Ogden Street Ballway company, and Chas S. Hartman of Bo.e West Side Rapid Transit company, cago. man, Mont. 13,910; Rocky Mountain Bell Telellsellng I orlilitileR. New East 107,817; phone company, Rome, Ang. 77. it is resirted lierx Untie Railway company, 9,810; Ver- that the will excnmtuunioaU nal Telephone company 705; Whit- Prince HenriPope of Orleans and the Count more Bros. A Ballinger Telephone of Turin, as dueling i expressly company, 1.119; Big Springs Ranch forbidden by the Roman lalholic Western church. 336; Telephone company, Union Telegraph company, 79,236, Most of the cotton mills in Fat Deseret Telegraph company, 5,906, Mass., which have Wen stopped River, This makes the Total, 12,971,404. total valuation 368,597 less in 1897 temporarily, have started on full time. Mr. lom Kwar.g Soh, than in 1896. from Korea, died at 3 30 on the 10th ol Axle Teterson, Fred Tusey and Abe Webb were arrested for participating acuteeonsumption recently aggravated in a prize fight at Eprcka. Peterson by over rxereise. 'Jjhe funeral arrang-mentwill probably te attended by was given ten days in jail,Tussey five days or 3 end Webb waa dis- the Corean legation.' It waa Mr ' Soli'i wish that his ImkIv ie cremated. charged. ,"1, The Massachusetts Benefit Life a The Park City and the Jnbilee base ball teams, (the latter of Salt Lake.) sociation w ill probably eeio-- its corhave disbanded, and a new team ha porate existence Tuesday. Aug 17. on been formed from the strongest play- which day a petition will be presented ers of both the defunct organizations, to th supreme court for the appoint- meat of receiver. It i Understood making a verystwmg. aggregation, with Mr, Wilson captain. Mre. IT OFFICIAL? SENATOR TELLER AT HOME. PRICE OF MEXICAN SILVER- - t)e lt e gold-washin- gold-savin- 0; . e j Mc-Ki- n urn-thin- h . stir-negle- hus-',rnf- well-know- n God-derd- d . asocr-probabl- ' e . r ' 1 J i |