Show XKir 1 srI JI VllKIl ill JoLt > rffnl the try ol lined limt > soul dark orvlnillnKt lor the future bun I Ihelil ol many of our clltitti owing Urgely lo blue hut down ol tho too great mine rt Park City = Ant ohllo we lIacknoIlllft l that II will bvqulld K hard blow to our rill netn there It I no orulon for nnlvpriAl I iltiponilrnry The county U Kill our ol the very riclif and twit profiler I In Ohio whole lisle unit will alwayo Iw I What our iimpte mint loili Io I to keep a Itiir upper lip and innkti III trt ol tlilngi New prjpvrtlt uroturcln 1w I < lo elowit suit I new rntrrprlpci will tprlnx III ant 1 se opine Hint In A lmrl time tho Olllrlo and Italy will ialll Is I in toe a11II on n Mllr iinl then ever It It I not nmilr K xrlou a blow In the rount jr large nnuilwr Its clll lelll s lth their 101l1C ioMI f 111011I Ir illctlom will nmke It nppetir lo 18 out community Mop tlilimlng OUT tjilllrj milk Therl notlilnit sinfully tofu but llntlt might bare been wore and rtlKiiiltyliowlliin will do 1 morn harm thin Ilia iliutdown Itself Die Iniliutrlnt 01 entire talci heave Owen ulinott ruined by I droulli crop lullurii etc f11 ullerjcar and aUIl tliotu > Ulf lira nllxu sold klrklim and ouinmll county todny It a dal I bdtirroirtlinn I they ore The Amrrlran nele It the gre leaf bird toil sons lie K mctluiv < gal on short ration bat till bti itrnniilli and pluck eiiouyli lo knock the Hulling out ol I all conitti A Htlla ol lit plait itruld be E Iollr l IIIIMI mm |