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Show V i S Weber Mlwtag Cewuf. Article of in xrrporation of the Webtq Mining company were filed with thi Count Clerk on the 11th inat. j e COALVILLE, UTAH. AUG 20, 1897. Wiiaon haa Secretary of Agriculto-1 he properties consist of the Boss exHe week. been ia Utah the past Bessie and Yellow Jacket claim, sit much pleasure on the success ol aled presses mo of up in Weber canyon. otfArut itmm the Itah sugar iieet and ltl6 sugar The capital stock ia placed at 125, (tig lUltl AMO DOTAOT HUM CO.LTIJ AS factory. shares, valued at II each, all of whctJi to Par City... . .. nm.1 will open euhsertbed, 25,000 harea lining reservj Stake huoimit Academy The H. 125, to Erho it i door about the 2uth of September, a working capitaH tuna ( HO. of the inf lhere are twenty-twand Henry Peterson ol I'rovo will he .(. West 12 2 p. m. 0m. I, West is good new and poraiors, eleven from Coalvtlle and(n This teacher. the Mp. m. m4. I jr will las appreciated. equal number from Heber City. K,S.ImIl...i The uliiceis are H. IN. Cregg of Heber. removed the dead David Pruby-tm- li J. H. Salmon of Coalville ! Agswts tree in the Stake House lot and put president: JLidi.rtiW ; J. T. Hodson, Coalville, seems to It ie live oner in their plate. for Tlao Titumt. B. Wilkins and and treasurer; secretary Mr Ruth Km matter to make thenj Iran S. H.huspp a pare! of Coalville, H. P. J m. Thomas (joiner o. r Lfin plant'd evergreen live. oh and Thomas Clegg of Helier, direc-Tteury ersmuii tpM rT imhik Own . Hudson relehialed Ins Eddie Master nuuaiip Id H. . of. i H. Hortmli John Untr- niii birthday Mjnd.iv Ut bv uiwtiu id he the principal place Burk City Dpioa . tiram Creek hi to t.&'tnlao about twenty of his playmates of buBii.e and (he company wil! do a Header ... , Jihh,VRaIl hotneand spending- a most dtlightful general mining ami milling business. . HutU ti Louilou Alice He reeejv td .dnany ery pretty . . . ... . The ore contains gold, silver and copSny0ea 1,. an werltiKoi Huursn A II. A.t.ly present-- . Had Dairy on, W ju. per. (iotner Thomas, Win. halmon, the I. iw jjtjgr and Wm. Byes made Iitutierhne Jink sent un iiow n a C'ltgg hrotlo-rChurch Uirwtorv nuinicr (f tin specimens of re which trip up t. the mine Monday and let a the bearer TuVrmed us that tne Iminer conitra. , to Hei.rv .Clegg to sink a shaft SAINTS. IATTK-IAabove lift feet, w oik on which will cammence foun while out with the I ark City Maws Park City, Xug., 18. Hurbert Hume, bo baa been know in thi city a Charles Alford, was bound over to the District court evening by Justice Fred Siemens on the charge of rape, the com- anJhnntiDg expedition. They intend t, stay a week or longer and will surety have a good time. COALVILLE TIMES. lt tkai. ..ll-OSam- . KJtl-.ii- Uam. . o , altenatiun resulting from the scrape with his. niece. The rape ia supposed to have tieen comm it te4 July 22, while at-Mrs. Humes was down ut Salt Lak tending the Jubilee, having lett the w Louse gir , ho is 17 years ol age, a - keeper. Mr. Anna Welsh, who wa arrested charged with battery bv Mrs. Anna Fairburn, pleaded guilty tins morning and was lined 5. 1 T Peoples Mercantile v Crri.BilnU -- plaining witness being hi niece, Matilda Humes ot Heher. The bonds were fired at 1,500, in default of which he went to jail. Just at the present time, b;ever, tie is serving a term for hat- tery upon the person of his wife, the Company. ,t. I s sheep 1 Wako Hacrahkn Sunday, at 2 p. m. Mkstinu r E orison's ranch. He en i fni th writer ami Isw School- - K very Sunday at tO a. tu. Geo. Beard, Snpt. Fast Mketino Every Brit Sun lav at 2 p. m. Bishop. ( trie Oekkkai. pRiErrltuon Msttiso ' Ward. First Sunday of each m mt-I p. m Bishop. AamojiiC raiLSTIiOoii Misti.. Every - Wednesday at 7 :!X! p- - m. 4 first Eserv KkUkrHoiJETY Mhiim.s ihuM-iuul-Thursdayat 2 p. ut.. in 8abath Hi it look into the r. 1 1 Now society ladies are monopoh.-- , that all tire tune and giving exclusively ladies parties, we tiling that it would In advi-abl- e for the men folk who aia the in flout damp almospher to give a rousing stag parly and theiebv show Tlie ladies that llu y know how to eoii- duct a fahionaole entertainment. inj I Li-D- p. g Elizabeth Lusty. Y. M. Coalville Lodge No. IK, J. (I.O. 1. held a iini- -t Intere-tii'- g meeting la-- t Fi, M. 1. A. Mm.ua-hi- rn 7:30 p. in. B. B. I pl y, Min-day- at I'te. night, and after conferring the initiator! oil one u, plicant, pro cedel to enY. L. M. I. A.Mnti'ia Every Mon- degree themselves and weleome the new joy Bui Fre. 17:110 h.i.u her, in. p. day brother by partaking of delicious ice Frim.vky Mkktimo Every Irid y at cream and caki TIktj w.i a good at 4 :30 p. to., in Academy Building, . was well spent. tendance and the time I Maggie halmon, Choir I'bactk k Rveiv Thursday at Fay master T. J. Aliuv came out yes7:30 p.m. L V. Nt:iiter, Chorister terday and y passid the ihecks aiound for tlie Wasatch miner. Many CotKIRkSATioNAL CUl'Reii. fear this will la hi last visit for some Preaching service every second time, though t tie hope is expressed that evening. Pdmlav School every lie may continue to tall onus nnmtlov. Monday at 2:30 p. to. loss of the money fie monthly di- The J. D. Nt i iiso, Pastur. Third North and fall Lake. tri.,,nlM a,'m ,hi ! i,y " K B!lJlv missed should it cease. . n--- V ' Nmn-Ja- - ' V to promises y that a man had been found dead on The ,l"' u',n"Kferson was cc,iil rM'ell,t froni ,he Klnlbal tale of Park C ity to J. J. Oithog, for coal pur- in J,U'' A later dhpatch con- - ' 4t'i hev' two feet wide have a licet ion of the man as which can he traced the entire length t,r,,i8 Hm left lhe for Cripple ',i,li,n' of the three claims. n Friday ia search of work, Creek N, me sample brought down ha.ked W" 'P'oyed for several ee lingiv fhitteru.g and they haw i1'0' He was 31 years ni 'itlis at the Daly. t II good fOJUfg p,; vef y o' uml leaves u widow and a daughter p n ti years old in faik City He was a Bitivt- of thel-ieo- f ani Hark Man, nnl came lie hete a few months ago and worked at Coun'y Altoinev Mlields and Justice the Daly until it close! lown. No par of the ieace Stevens were two msd been learned a to the laA olio id l'uesday evening. young of death. c.i.ise wliri-e official will the n,m r not n, ,n John Hughey w a arre-te- d thi give, vailed mi Judge Shields in the and bat-tnoon and informed that dignitary mug on the charg-o- f to have been wa to be and committed alleged it going tery, get married, wanud a marriage license and a just to upon the dog tax collector while trying of the penie in leadmeea at 7 oclock to collect a dog tax. Judge Lockhart . Herald. that evening, at which time him-e- lf and will try the cat t g,r! would appear at the Judges' THIS ADVT. Irk h' ci jiiOr-H'r- ! . vi.r( - -t , eve-afl- h Is merely to call your attention to the fact that we shall continue for one week longer our offer of j per cent off 20 Is-s- oUi.eaud havethe knot tied. The Judge hie of the most interesting marriage primiieedih.it everything would be i:. in the history of the ceremonies readiness, and at the hour named both cam 3 oil yesterday Justice dres-e- d in their Sunday clothes, l,,e were on hand to perform the act. Tb nl,r""2. E'l- - I'- - . Maxwell ofliciating. and Early in the morning John first hour they waited patiently,, but from came in Jones, coloied, the Maty bride and did the prospective groom not make their apjiearance; the second country tr bo joined in the holy bonds f' presence of the happy pair and hour they waited very impatiently, hut and a few white witnesses, many dusky and came twain the not, uttering jn,. e following unique ceremony was fickle the unto map.;ti young pmatioiis t!nv left lhe office in disgust, and ft puforuiel: My frknds, we are now within the yet no knot Las' been tied. Bark Hev-- ; walls of the blind god- j shadow of the or,j ttt "WpliaT JbTer Rullrr's Earth ties of the couple - now present ; and as on the 14th int they launch their boat off into the ocean Coalville pa-tistaked oiT and located twenty aerei of connubial bliss, may they ha e smooth land containing a valuable deposit of wap ailing and fair winila oer this sea, and cUy or fulleis earth. The location is Bp may their hull be free from the barnChalk creek, about four mile from the: acles of life, and never subjected to business center of- Coalville. The r!:iy squalls nor cries of ship ahoy it pure white, of excellent quality snd After then-uquestions and unsvveis the marrifver continued th re is an immense amount of it. Bv the authority An analysis obtained from it show it vested in no by to he superior to anvthing yet found in thecountv of Mecklenburg, know us this country and the locator are there- the cradle of liberty, ana the commonfore sanguine that 'they have n g od wealth oi North Carolina, called the '.ar Heel Stale, of thi confederation thing, and we helps they have s and There are a great many ue for. this of fusion, by the smoking its is which of sentinel our necessity the material, among Weeding terpentine for vool scour 4 g, and this remind us field; by the recollection of the fat t.ut we.hl.oulJ have a wool-c- on rirg hiked opossum witli sides lined with to say plant established here at once. sip, sweet potatoes and of and luscious sweet the nothing tli Ontario. Work at 'watermidion ; hv the free silver bhi-t- s The Faik City Record has the followfrom the horn of the Im:g eared tradiing: O. A. lalmer, the Ontirm comtional animal which is ofter heaid panys civil engineer, has been engaged the lani; bv the Dingley in for several days past determining throughout d h i whit to produce the bill tariff cays and means lor increasing the of and tor promied power of the electric plant a, the su g of the gold bug, mouth of the great drain tunnel with i sav the dirge of the peosome which e expense and the the. least of truths anl moand glorification ple, e smallest amount of water. Ti item is coon dog the old by nopolies; shows Ontario it tig. eignficauiinth.it i in the heard basso whose profuudo company is not contemplating a t iec!wir and loud rote of by gloaming; com period of nil ness. The theold bnanghai chanticleer in the emly pauy ha eieeti ic power ti throw to his comrades to shake the bird- - now and unless a inuchgrea-e- r morn calling upon Hiid ly the memory their off letinugv, is ne for the subtle neigy coiiitm Meek'enbnrg of the lecLipend m-- of platmi in the very near future, it ia hard and th ol tlie-- e in presence IiuioMtiuii, to conceive for what purj ose Mr. lhlluier , I and witnes.-!pronounce you has been at work at this tim. 1 -, j on all j Mr. Quinn, the expert checker player of Park City, came down Monday and had a two day's sitting with Wm, Johnston of this place, ile champion of the state. Mr, Johnson again convinced I ; 'Mr- him, ami tliey will no doubt meet again. Thi is the second Dine Mr. (Juinn nas been defeated by our Coalville checker player. The young man who lives within his meant, says a writer, plainly, j puts a polish to hia brain, whether his shoes shine or not, and toil honestly for hi daily bread, D snubbed by what j is called society ; while the young man who le its the tailm out of a suit of cloths, get his mother to put a polish on his ; hoes, with a fe.v dove in hi poiket and a cigarette in burn nth - a bell she p in society fu year .if our bird, eighteen httrr-dr- drm, v i LOCAL BREVITIES. Where, oh, where is Dr. Manx? W m. Cossey was n visitor her - day; - d and Mon- ' Aasessor Miller vva down from City thi week on otbc al bust no, W. W, Smith of K'ck'rt had ln;si in Coalville ooT.nsday of ttus week. .V Bomber tif famii' S have gone out in the hills after Imp- - a, id an outing the past week. s i Mr.I-amber- fat, or t, of the last id laitubert, t the bedddeot the iatier. came out Thori'ou lt week W. J. Bromley w up fu m F.,h. last and esterday tight departed ftr j Huntington, Ore., where lie will railroading. E. K! dredge, who lett about two week agoon a visit t Lti"(!'rMtnn- ed Monday night and reports having ltai a splendid trip. Miss Florence Mother ursalt Iaike iraiue out Monday mi a visit to her grandparents au.lr relatives, Mr. and Mr. W. H. Smith and family. W, F. Smith was b.rought in from Salt Tuesday. He was quite ill, Dr. btJSHier pronoaneing tus ra-- e typhoid fever. At this wiiiing he is unpioving. though very slowly John, Boy den mnved a telegiaui turn baU Lake .tveday conveying the Mrs. O, It. Mwa ttiat hi had died. Mr. I'.oyden takes to t.igbta traiu for bait Like, a vf s!r, At tills writing Die condition ot Tl.oruton lumber l apiears to las neither w re nor better. The outcome of course, is dountful, as he is still unable to take but little nourishmi nt. J. L. Mitchell of the Cash Bargain Store haa goae to Balt Lake fur a course of medical treatment. He took with li tu a tent and other' necessary camp-lo- g articles and w ill reap the Iwiieiila of mi outing in connection with hisniedi'cal tivatment. - J, Camping parlies ere the rjcr of the On feuoday last C. R, lian-r.E. Swainson, J. If, Ball and John J aloes, with theij lauuiies, and good sired ones at that, formed a party and M.e: lout for Bear rivet on a tidiing the day. k, . Saturday waaa pirn today inCoalv i!ie( , i tuirtiaving given out notice In all her fiiend that a pic lie would le held m her grove ju- -t snutli of town. Aiiout half the town availel thenielve o the "iqmi 'miuv and before night on- - was led to think that u Ann bad lten stru. k and j boiiamtaali the men, w mum and iuldien of tl.e county ha I turned out to pm.jsvt. Tt,e u7 va' happily s,nt an t a: o , dinner w mnee I, vviientlc Mrs. latk ninety-seven- . I i me. r- - pred li.iml. It tli-- ir k o! 1 w a- - a ptf tabl,. the ,j gi.,,,1 thin-- be rejeated of'en. for they in a work! of good. -- f ! T. D. bee tax , . f V.i I'lvh, State - crck of B II. in- k City, .me of the cunt v i' pral-er- s, raine dow n to Oia.euie Tue- '" Vina E d edge, the other ocltntv appr ler, and proceeded to the work of ipomwng 1000.1 cmy t School land itne preventing yff, 1 .ldred g accompanying them, (,'arl U lison wa depotued and they start-- ! out on their w oik. Thenhool lan-le- , h .f the amounting to entire r four et ions m e.u-- town ship, will be aopraise.l, ,,1 money invested in mortgages or real estate, boml- -, etc., and the interest" ob' tained therefrom will I applied toward building and maintaining the pubii schools. one-ninl- Ladies Oxfords - J4.3.C es and r. - al 11 Mens Straw Hats. tar-kiin- hoe-cak- Peoples Mercantile Co., e, long-wishe- pr-siiii- flea-bitte- n pro-traet- at ji'eiidid iili'.i.r and upp that hon'd ; ALMA KLDRvIGE, Manager. COAL Always On., Hand at the rCH hu-b.i- E wife. it is always graut'vn g to twelve Charlotte 'N. Salute your leide! for I'hatulH rtain's Colic t'hol-er- a C Olieerver. and Diarrhoea Remedy, and when Chaml'eriains Colic, Cholera and tne endorsement i from a physiciSl it ia Remedy a ways affords no more Riarrhoi' There (o. 1 1 or edective remedy than Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ami Diarrhoea Remedy," writeaDr.lt. t,, n and pharmaenj, of Rolsy, the Item Olnev. Mo.; and he ha- edv' in hi family and old il in 1, s drug store for mx year, .he should c.. tiu nly know. For sale lv Jdm lkiidtu iti-facto- ry phy-'.ca- u-- -- & Son prompt relief. den & Son. R Let me give you a HuWalu, N V , ugu- -l JUril o. XStr,. pointer, said'AL F. Gregg, a popular tondoelor For t.e Annual Kncampme i i f y e 0n the Missouri Facifie railroad. "Ho yon G. A. K., a: Buffalo, N. Y.. in Aiijih know that Chamberlains Colic, Chol(he Vimm lTicifii wilt make the tretv reducedrate from Coalville of JM p r era and Diarrhoea Remedy cures you round trip. Be sure vour ticket when yon hsve -- the stomach ache? the reads via the Oificial Grand-A- f,. And after giving this Route, I'nioo F.tc.tic.Ch.eagii.k Nifi,. Well, it does. western. N. Y. C. A t. L., (Nukif frierdly bit of advice, th jolly Flat-- ) Railway. aisle." 11 dow on passed the H ja a For time tables and full information fact that thousands of railroad and traveling men never take a Irip with- call on.C. I. Whkaiios. Agent. out a bottle of this remedy, which is 'V. B. Johnson, Newark, the best cur for liowel disorders in the (., 25 and 50 rent bottle for Minute Cough Cure savsit Siv "One sale by John Boyden & Son. (nly child from dyi.,g by croup. jt has saved thousand of others trult Not only piles of .the very worst kind croup, pneumonia, bronchitis amLdnIt can be cured by DeWitt'e Wit-- . h Haxel serious threat and lung t roubles! JQk,i halve, but ectema, scalds, barns Btylen A bon. , boils ulcers hruijN-sapd all other skin can be instanilyelieYed by Receipt books, lOOin abooklorsaldt itne remedy. John Boyden A Jam. the this office. Boy- iek headache can be quirklv and those completely overcome bv famous little pills known as A Lillie Rady Kisers. Johiv-dUiyd- Son. - G. A. For sale by John Lump) Stove, $2.25 Tens Loaded Freiael M Delar. 1.25 Awarded Highest Honors Worlds Fair. DR. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY WeberCoai Co CnEAP.3 ran-dnet- J( Cle arance Sale Bedrock Prices, ... MOST PERFECT MADE Powder. Frer pure Grape Cream of Tartar f:om Ammonia, Alum or ar y other adulterant 0 Years the Standard. , winsome of our lines at. . Call and see to be convinced. PRICKS. All other goods at HARD TlMlJ - G. W. & ROBT. YOUNG, VVanship |