Show CURB YOUR nllEUMATI3M tot a Illiliriig amt Huh Yen run wltai I llery Dina lag You see that I havent a particle of rheumatism ald the man with a arid fare and a voice that wa Intended Intend-ed by nature for campaign purpose uya the Detroit Tree Im t feel like a 1jearolit Never have an echo nr pain Dont lily I n iwrtlcle nf alien Ihm lo cost wind rains nr chance In the lemperBtiire Hat threo meal 1 day and 11 i like a top A year ago I went armind tnelllnR Ilko a bottle of hone liniment One time Id ba on enulchea Then IM have nn arm drawn alt out of hap or a shoulder that won or no earthly 11M The lost spell I bait wa with my hack and I wan about ready la throw up tlie simnne What did 1 tin for 11 Itverythlne under the sun I had horse chestnut In every locket I rarrlell iKitntoc till they wtrllle1 I ale Union nnlll I wan n our UN I looked 1 I tiKik moro kind of medicine than you can find In any 11110 drug atom I wn In A old state for tit month from hot baths I was nuaoeo Red Into A pulp I traveled 500 mites to have the dlwnno charmed away and bad It worse coming back than I did going One day I met n llttlo old limn that must halo been 100 I Iowa use spry na n kitten yet mured me that torn tbn time he tea 60 to 70 there was inthlni of him but rheiimntlim Even ill hair nched He oil Hied ma lo steal I illnlirng and rub myself thoroughljr with It every morning There was no Irtiiei In the treatment union I stole ho nut I would hBO robbeit a bank 10 get relief One afternoon I lipped through the bark door of A homo Into Ihe kitchen grabbed n dishrag and tarteit tn limp away AO pound I hired girl let out A Tlppcrnry ncrceelt nnd took nfter me with n mop stick Ilr ho limn oho had clouted mo once or twice I wn running like I professional pod nt the end of half n block I was out nf reach of her weapon Ire never hit a twinge since dont know whether the hired girl the pounding Ice running run-ning or the dlihrag cured mo Im rather dlspoied to Ihlnk that tho rhcu mallets was seam out ot me |