Show a Ik CI1y Maw 1lkClI AUK IS llnrbert Unmet ho hut been knows Inthlicltyat Chin It i UlorJ ass Inaud liver lolho Ills Inlet court Ittt evening by Justice Fred Sletrnt on the charge rapt the complaining com-plaining wltnen holing ld niece Ma tlkli Iliiino 01 llolwr The bo mil were I fixed at IIWW Indrfault ol which he 11110 JIll Just At the tiretont time boieter he It serving n term for lottery lot-tery upon tht ieriton of tilt I wife tht alternation rttiiltliiK from the tempo with bit niece The rpu I I tiippoud la barn locn rmnmltlil JtiU A while Mrt 1 Iliimit wmdowiiHt Salt Ijik nt Ui HiiK tho Jubilee buying left alto tit nho 11 year nf I ISO m homo I keeper I Mr I An nn Wclnh who was nrmled jtrterday rharsetl with battery bv Mn 1 VIIIH ratrliurn pli < aletl utility thin morn IIV mid I sea linnl fS I IIBATIIIII l lltlV IIIII I The rltv innrtliitl to < lay received n + tcletinim from Vlitor Colo ttatlni that n imin hud been I found brad on tin lireel thin inotnliiK On Ids l > onion WM I arool receipt from th Klinbiill 1 ttttte of Iuk ity to JJ Illllnif for coal 1 tmr chisel In June later dlpmcli eon blII II tie llcntlBcmlnn of the IIInll nt i illlllntc Ito lilt the Irtrk or Crlpplo Creek on Jrldny In March uf work aver ulnii been utnplnyoil for nrrral n nthtatlhu Only liens t81 ylara I toll I mid line iiuldiiwnnd n diiiiKhti dyeartnld In Iiik City He woe n I nulrs of the I lie of Man nod aunt hra n ton inonlhi ago and 1 norked at the Dlly until ll cloned 1011 No par llrnlani lave been learned at to the tmo of death I John Hughe wat nrretletl tbtt et nlngon thvchiri iof atoaalt an1 bat I I terralltnil lu lion hxtn conimltle1 I I l lIlh d Iet tux collector whllv lrrl tog to collect 0 slog lax Judc a IxKtslinrt x111 Ivy thu csv tomorrow Herald i |