Show 4mur nil nr lrml him lw I Iihi Aug J7Iho lionnl of Kutll itlon hat unit thin slur I If of 111anmuity to iiMir to get the lib ilrxtof tin awimuu nt roll of that muni Tie m nvn of tlio boird Is In lusvr iron nbetnt looking np I this mntlir of the awi tmt nt of sheep have I all returned II piily iidltor Iiiriur Milt ulth Ktutu Auditor Andcrxm froti llnimmk He utatiii that the nb utmtof nwittnunt nhont n cornet nuabcr of Mit cp for that lountj 1 ho shall hlih It him Kin supposed nri ctuidthirc bo kiijt are Brand In miioin State iilltor htorcr who n heels to lllnRhuin to look Into bite I usher It I of the newt opinion Ho Mate that the action of tho Into bnanl hat had the ilTiLt of alit I ring up this ollldhi Hurt mud tho nt ktMir linn gone out to hunt up I tha Itliup Stonr thlnkt from 100 000 to IV iioo will Iw found lIme slate heM 1 he-M > t will got III proportion of taut Mot lime qumtinn of IMng limo total an I Miiiciit of tau ioiintj for the purpo if making the ntnti npHirlloiiiiunl ol I taxes > U one that tluro lees I not tun ti bu liny solution of etc that nppor ttoninent must be I nude mnr |