Show I I Not a a Fussy Ful ey Mother 1 am glad you OU arent fussy fUMY about football like some of the tho fellows mothers said the tho boy bo boAnd And tho the mother being beng a n wise wom woman woman woman an did not say eay anything about the many times when with her hor heart hoart In her mouth she hind had watched the two start oft to a match and wondered whether they would como come home homo whole I or noL not noLI notI I made mado up my mind whon when after atter much consideration I gave Jno permission for tor them to play that I would try never nevor by b word or look to spoil it she said to me once And she Rhe Site She has learned to rejoice In the successes of oC our team to sympathize In Its losses horses and oven even evento to resist relst the tho th temptation to speak In Inan inan an nn I tono when whon hen battered shins and other untoward ac accidents accidents result Homo Chat |