Show I BOLD THIEVES 1 STEAL A WAGON WAGO J JJames I James Patterson of Roy Finds j Team eam Rig and Groceries i Missing issing i I Farmer Comes to Town Does His Shopping Leaves Horses Hitch Hitched ed Returns to Find all Stolen At last lust accounts last night ht Tames James Patterson of Koy lY was a mu loser of ora ofa a fine li pair of horses hOnti a new spring wagon and anti about 25 I worth of or groceries erles HO lie H drove droo Into the tIme city in the afternoon to todo todo I Ido do his Saturdays trading tying hi luit team tenni at the lie cornet corner of o Grant I anti and el street Jl it t wu 10 1 It before he ito hI had hal finished itS ins hl I It trailing trading t and antI attending lo in inner mat maL tf tor ems rs of business bo Ito hitch had Him lit about the city When ready to T rd nun homo he was very ery er much surprised u io to find his hils hi team leam nail and wagon ahon gone gono Mo lie fore tore notifying the lie lIa officers the of or tho the rig he lie matte inquiries about it ll thinking somo ot tIt othis o ohis his huts friends bad huttl played a practical jo joon jUie on him but huL the Iho th outfit could not b located The rhe sheriffs office was advised of or orthe the lie disappearance of o tIme the rig antI and a search was soon Instituted for fat tho thin same Up UJ to a t lato late hour last night however no trace of the hue missing prop property erty crt could lie be found Tho team icam was wa as iL a ablack 1 black hla k and auth a pray gray horse the lie wagon L OIl being a m L light farm farni rig rt commonly known as a spring wagon tagon It was thought at that lint the out Oll outfit outfit i fit might have hav been beon taken caro care of bv lar some of tIme tho Police pollee officers it iL being the rule with tIme till police department io to lake take care of horses remaining too long tied Hud at tt the tho curb without feed feet ant and shelter butt but inquiry at the ho police sta station lion bit revealed reen ll the Uio fact that this his was wa not nol tho the case s sIt It seems evident that lint some scale bold thief thle deliberately stole stoIc the tho outfit m 1 throve drove It away a Tho rho value vallie placed upon time tho horses and wagon wa on and nud the grocer groceries r its ies that lint were placed In the tho wagon was 20 what huat could have hao become of f the tho outfit Is a mystery to tao ino and to Mr Mi Ir Patterson Palters on The Tho parties partle who throve drove the tho team te m away aW l are arc either brazen brazon thieves or foolish practical p |