Show MEXICAN CASE GO COMES ES TO REST Tombstone Ariz May Ia 13 At tonight tho tIme last evidence was submit submitted ted In the case of or Magon Villard and amid Rivera alleged alle ell Mexican 1 revolution revolutionists Isis Arguments Ar were ero limited to lo two for each ench side and heard hearl he ml to lo today loday 0 day Tho The defense made no attempt to 10 deny the tilo existence of the liberal party on tIme tho contrary introduced a L copy COIl of the Iho official or organ gun gan of or the th party anti aud had lied the tho lengthy proclamations and anI manifestoes trans maas translated hated and real read to the tho Jury Tho The dc of principles signed signet by h the tho defendants when translated proved lo to lobo tobe bo lIo glowing plowing with fun fervid id appeals to the th patriotism of Mexicans to strike for forlie lilt lie political ansi and Industrial redemption lion tion of the fatherland Tombstone Ariz May 15 Tho prosecution in tho the cases casos of the lie al alleged a Mexican revolutionists Ma Ia ou o nail and Rivera charged ed with a violation of o the laws law of tho the United States by conspiring for tio overthrow of ol Uio the government t routed rested Its Js case and the defense at tt 11 I the tho introduction J of or testimony l Tho lie attorneys for the tho defendant stat stated r ed Oil that the expect to conclude their 0 Bide Id by iy y Monday noon Ranger Hil HH Hilborn 1 P j born was vas W placed on en tho the stand and iund ud toll toM tollof of tic Instructions lo to 0 watch walh the lie Junta Junto at i V Douglas Dougla Ariz Ati and on one occasion n lon i when wheat ic Ie o entered a room rom where aur ov oral orul of tho thi conspirators I I assembled with wih Iho he ostensible purpose of or raising funds He lie time tho tw but found round no evidence of con comi conspiracy on I The rime prosecution before clos dos closing dosIn lug ing In Introduced papers halters document commissions cartridges and aDd dynamite captured In the tho Douglas raid mid by 11 time the UI raiders l Various rangers Identified by Hit ll hue exhibits Vasquez the le confessed I P member of or the tho Junta who wiio wit 0 turnout turned I states evidence l was subjected to lo a I terrible grilling by b Attorney Cleary J Jor for or the UlO defense on ott |