Show TRAMP NOT ALTOGETHER OS OST Wanderer Took Abuse from the Fa FJ Father Fattier ther but Saved the tho Child George Tobin pretend to lo bo be boother other than a 0 genuine experienced and thoroughly dyed wonder He says he has lias never killed tiny any an persons baa never made mado a 11 break that would be considered n a burglary has hns never de deserted deserted deserted a l wife and d several children Is not addicted to lo drink and evil and works only when he strikes a section where there thore are no handouts The other morning he was waa wa approach approachIng lag Ins Me Mo says sas the tho Times of oC that town from a sequestered village of oC Fairfield Intent upon working his hili way ny to on tho the bumpers As Ashe Ashe Ashe he was Wu passing through tho the entrance on College COllego avenue to Rowe Roo street his bis attention was vas Ill attracted to a house bouse No S 3 and he swung Into tho the street at nt a 0 swift pace Tobin approached tho the back door of the and was about to knock when whon the portal was thrown open with Ith witha Itha a bang banK and azid a mat mar yelled Olt Git out of or this Wo We have fed all the il hoboes wo we Intend Int Dd to for tho the next ten years Tobin started In a n conversation twice but his words worde were blocked as asbe ho he was waa compelled under the rapid fire from Crom the rear rOAr to get out toward the Reaching a D safe point Tobin yelled Keep your grub but ud better take that thal baby out of oC that screen up there before It breaks Its Us neck or chokes to death John boy bo of or two years had managed to crawl wI partially through a Q broken screen In the wi wl widow widow i dow of oC the second story Tho The child was WIls hanging h bead head downward and was strangling TobIn watched the tho father yank tho the baby back to safety and then poked of oft down toward tho ho railroad yard Tolling Telling the story to a group of yard yardmen yardmen ard men who were Intent upon frustrating purpose of oC free Creo transit ho said There comes the old duller duffer now carao caine down don the tracks to toward toward toward ward the roan men and as he be neared them he ho discovered TobIn Cayoutte stepped up to lo Tobin and said The Tho babs all aU right Will 2 do doy dov doF y F v good 7 |