Show HAC TEACHERS HAVE HAVEA A LOVE HAST FEAST County Pedagogues Meet With Mith I Great Surprise at the We Ve Weber ber her Academy I Gather to Attend Regular but Discover Instead a D Banquet Table Yesterday was WM Institute day tiny for tor the thc county count school teachers but It was sas turned Into a veritable love hOe Oe feast The Thc session was held at the tho Weber acad only omy and nearly nearl all of ot the time teachers 0 o the Iho county were The meet meetIng meetIng Ing started out lilt all ull right as IlS an In Institute gathering but before the pod ped pedagogues had Limo to anything more than attend to routine business no nolice notice lice tico was served nerved upon thorn them that a n sumptuous banquet was awaiting them In iii the tho domestic science department of the This upset all tho the ar arrangements arrangements for fOl tho tue institute work and anti andUle the Ule party gave themselves up Ull to an rIn evening of or jollification It seems scents that It ww WUI a prearranged affair for an interesting program WilD wan indulged cd In which consisted of songs and mimIc and speech making makinI on the part of those Tho The speech speechmaking speechmaking making consisted largely of reminiscences conces of school life lito lending leading into Inlo that thal were Intensely amusing The banquet that was vas as served was really extravagant Ute the domestic science foe sd ence enco department of the academy lay laying Ill Illing laying ing such a L spread as aH to appease the most fastidious appetite The lIme mem members bers of the county board of education were present and anil indulged freely In Ill tho the festivities Others who happily appeared at al time the banquet board were Superintendent John M Mills of toe the city cit schools and President Pres of the Weber academy The banquet over ocr and nn the party parl numbering about sixty indulged In a dancing party part which was much appreciated |