Show I I ROMANCE OF THE MODERN NILE England Doing More for the Egyptians Than the Did There Thero is a n sad side to the tho triumphant triumphant story of tho the dam tiara says AarS the tho Travel magazine Above Abo the hue dam stand tho the Islands lalands of oC Plume which the tho ancients called tho the City of or Isles and andon on them some somo of oC the most beautiful though not the oldest of oC the Egyptian temples Already Alread owing to lo the opera ollera operation operation tion of oC the dam darn these temples are flooded far Car up their walls When first firstI I visited Egypt over 20 years yearn ago I walked about their courts on foot whon when I returned recently I sailed them In a boaL boat Tho The sight 81 ht was sad to see sec but soon It will be worse for when tho the dam Is I raised bod bed and other lovely ruins of Philae must bo ho submerged and with all their sculptures ores tures and paintings hidden and In the tho end destroyed Thus the tho romance of oC the tho religions of or the tho past Is 18 doomed to give way wa to tho romance of oC the tho prosperity of the present Philae must go but since bread will always breed an nn eater with within in a few years time limo there will be bo hundreds of oC thousands more moro Egyptians Egyptians most of oC them hating and agitating agitating ing against the western power that brought brou hl them Into being A some sonic somewhat somewhat what thankless task perhaps yet surely herein lies tho thu real romance of tho the modern moll ern Nile that Ute the care and genius of oC distant England should do 10 more than all tho the ever did to utilize its wasted wealth for tho the benefit of or Egypt and her Inhabitants |