Show HAVE AIRSHIPS Tokio Sunday April 17 Without I any an flourish nourish of or trumpets Japan has made considerable strides In tho the mat mn matter mazor ter lor or of o airship building and anti While tho the utmost secrecy Mccree Is IB maintained there thure Is reason to believe hello that an inventor of or somo some repute has recently patented Im Improvements improvements that aro are calculated to startle all ull over oer the world Mr lr Yamada was at sonic somo time lIml ago aso cn on entrusted trusted by b tho ho commander In chief chiP with the tho work vork of Investigation of o air airships airships Ir ships for fOI use uso for tho the army arm The Tho fact act that ho hit had made improvements on what he had invented curing tho lie war aJ leaked out wUen tho ho Improvements were patented a afew fow few days dars ago ngo The latest improve improvement mont ment has lilis been patented under author the name of The Th Safe Safa and mill Free Airship Mr Nr Jr Yamada has also patented an all air airship ship destroyer Experiments It Is I understood are to bo conducted this summer at a point some sonic distance from Tokio and a few prominent people have been invited to witness the teats teata |