Show DINNER FOR THE BAREFOOT 4 BISHOP OF MALABAR New York Ma Ia Alois 7 the barefoot bishop of or Malabar was tendered a do dinner last night by Arch Archbishop bishop Farley Farler at which many prominent eat ent churchmen wore were present Bishop who has been in the city nearly nC rl a week Incognito belongs belons to toa toa toa a very cr Swiss family becoming bishop at Malabar British India ho he has gone and worn only the commonest t of robes robe renouncing renouncing ing all luxuries and anti living as the poor ioor poorest est eat person In his diocese Long ago ho lie achieved renown na ns nathe the barefoot bishop o or of Malabar and anti 4 Europeans and Am tourists to the Ule orient have hmo or many man years gone far for out of their way war to visit him Ho He is I now visiting his two wealthy Ii brothers In this country and will go goto goto L to Chicago and San Sm Francisco Fra calling on clergy cle y en PU route on his way wa back bac to lo India via vla tio rilo Pacific I did not result in the tha location of or tho the suspected man Enist Ernst who ho runs a small resort for colored men near Lin Lincoln coIn coln avenue und and was notified among amon others and an being a fellow sought ought to put tho the police on the trail of Staples telephoning ing Cillo Cief Browning during the tho after aller afternoon II noon that the man nina has b lS been seen in ill tho the vicinity Officers wore were sent to the neighborhood but failed tailed to locate Staples Later I the negro who was shot re returned returned turned to Ei Brust resort and Is said to have havo threatened Uie Ue latter abusing him with vile language and otherwise making apparent his hi displeasure at what he ho termed Ernsts Interference rence After imbibing freely In liquor Staples to act in a nasty misty manner until after lie had hail left last evening Ernst Emst desiring to prevent trouble and andIn andin In search of police protection for fol his I own person port on camo canto uptown about 1015 JO l meeting Chief Browning Drowning and Night ight Jailer Anderson And An Anderson Anderson Anderson derson accompanied Ernst back down fifth street but the tho negro nero had when ho lie reached the place where he Ite tad had last been con scon Ernst went down don street expect expecting lug ing to locate Staples for the Ute officers From Irom a dark shadow near Lincoln ave ac avenue nue where whore two other negroes were holding him him Staples sprang and start started ed ell for forThe Ernst Tho The latter pulled his gun gim and warn warned warner ed er Staples to como conio no further Dis Disregarding regarding the tho warning the negro dip dill Ill continued and anel Ernst mst raised his gun and fired with the UIO result described above aboc II Ernst is a married man hilt wife be log ing In employed at present nt as a servant senant I in the tho home of Mr Nr and aud Mrs Irs R n E B I Hoa Hoag The negro who did the shoot log Ing has always borne an excellent rep reputation lie fIe was asked for a state statement mont ment and said to an Examiner rep representative representative resen Uc that It was purely a mat ter for of enEe Ernst declared that Staples hell a n knife In his hand when ho he approached making his tin throats oats but bill there was no weapon of any an sort found on Oil the Injured mans ninas I person or In the vicinity of oC the spot where ho he fell The evidence however jut ail tends to show that the shooting I was done by b Ernst In his own defense |