Show I I I I I I I I I NAVYS CREW BEAT POTOMAC BOAT CLUB CLUff Annapolis Md rill riley May lo Tho navys and amid crows clOWS hath both de Io defeated the eight of time the Potomac boat club climb of Washington this afternoon a on eu the tho Sevein river The race as us olig contemplated for a second crew crow from time the Potomac club to togo togo go against tho tIm navys eighth eight but as asI the he visitors cancelled the time race they thov agreed to let lel time the na second eight enter as a a third contestant Ilm race was ns over ov tho time and amid JIll I a half Inner course coc and time the timo limo was sas fiR Nay Navy Varsity minutes S II 11 oG Jr 5 Nays Nw second crew S minutes 50 G t seconds The rime I lo Potomac poto mac shell was wal CS fat laV a In tho rear ream and anul Its time was not nol I taken BoU crews got cot the time lead at mit time the start st rt and never wore ore headed I |