Show SOCIAL SOBIA 1 THIRD WARD ARD NEXT TUESDAY Time The following program will bo ho rend rendered ered cred at a Cl social party in iii tho ho Third ward Tuesday evening IS at SJ p II m nm Piano solo Miss Maud laut Vocal solo Eolo oho Orson Olson Griffin Trombone solo 0 O Williams Recitation Miss Warlo Vocal solo Walter WalLet Stevens Steens Instrumental solo olo D Recitation Joseph II 11 1 Williams Vocal Vo al solo Miss liss Fluto Flute solo Axel I Quartette At Al time the conclusion of the time above aboc pro program program gram gam a dance danco will begin III In the tho ward amusement hall bali at which refresh refreshments ments will be served A cordial invitation tion lioti Is extended to all to attend Ad Ah Admission A mission to concert and amid dunce dance per couple |