Show WAS SHOT DOWN It GOLD COLD BlOOD Tacoma Wash Vash rashi May 15 l The vie vic victim Ic tim lIm of an alleged conspiracy Into Inlo between beL his anti and Charles F P Newcomb a laundry wagon wason driver r years ears old was shot down In coa blood Mood about midnight Just after alighting from a n street car That the killing was ho I result of a carefully arranged plan was sas evidenced this afternoon by 11 the alleged confession of both hoth anti ami Mrs Kvalshaug In his statement to Ito tho police ac according according accordIng cording to Captain of Detectives D Fitz Fitzgerald Fitzgerald gerald this afternoon saul said that lie hall hail stationed himself lf at ni a t point where whore he knew w mat Mu Mc 11 antI and Mrs Kvalshaug would pass on way wa home humo from rom a dance danco He lie held hold a ala largo large la o sized rock In one hand anti and 1111 when the he couple were opposite him reached out from his concealment and struck down his victim Kvalshaug was writhing on tao Newcomb commanded the woman noman to togo togo 0 go away awa he says and amI ho then Elicit pumped three shots Into tho the prostrate mans body Mrs Kvalshaug then picked up tho thin revolver r olyer and a d two shots into her husbands body bod blames es Mrs Irs for fOI tho ho killing saying that lint the tho plot originated in her brain Ho lIo said the Iho murdered mans man s wife oven oen led her ber husband to tho lIw side of the road load where time the assailant was hidden In order to tomako tomako mako time the attack more simple After Arter undergoing und more moro than bait two hours at the lie hands of or city cit detectives at the city Jail Mrs Kai Kval Kvalshaug shang is said to have havo ha 0 confessed that hat she knew Jene of a a plan to kill her hu he huband band hand |