Show MANY KILlED AND IN STORM STOR Kansas City May 16 A recapitulation recapitulation lation of last nights storm general over northwestern Missouri arid and east I era eru and central Kansas and extending into Oklahoma and which In places place reached tho the proportions of a tornado shows three known dead six others missing and Injured at least half a dozen of pf the latter laller seriously hurl hurt Tho The principal damage was done at Hollis a town of l O inhabitants l near noar Concord Concordia la ia Kus and at Mount lount Wash Washington Washington ington Mo ilo a suburb eight miles end east of Kansas hansas City In both of those these places practically every ever house wan either damaged or demolished and dozens of persons Injured The Tho dead doad Frederick a boy boys at al HollI Kansas William Williom Elliott a carpenter blown from a derrick at near Jop JOl liu Jin Mo do William Ackley engineer of or Santa SantaFe Fe railway bridge gang working near Great Greal Bend Kas The Missing Charles Quance a ranchman near Larned Lamed Kas Kal Five Fie members of the lie family of a farmer named Eckstrom whoso whose house houe near Hollis Kas Ens was destroyed The Injured Mount Washington Mo Io 22 2 three persons fatally fa taIl Near Great Greot Bend Kas 20 mostly members of crew orew on a Santa Fo Fe work train which was blown from the th track Four of or these arc are In a condition HoHls Kansas three Rosedale View Kas a n suburb of ot Kansas City two In vicinity of Has Kas four fOUl Pond Creek Creele Okla Okia four Tho The two serious damage was wa that which laid waste a district n ii hundred yards ards wide sIde and a u mile In length through the heart of Mount Washing Washington ton a sparsely settled suburb to the tile I cast east of Kansas City i lore thirty I frame buildings mostly cottages collages and antI I the tho Christian church a wooden structure I ture lure were demolished huge trees were uprooted and telegraph and tele telephone phone poles blown down The rhe storm followed a terrific downpour of rain Tho Tue wind cam caino up suddenly swooped down with but little warning and I striking the small territory described wiped It out almost completely Frame I houses were crushed the tho sides apparently being forced Inward wIllie oth others ers era were toppled over and an carried from their foundations fo In some somo sides of buildings wore carried away asay a leaving the roof and a few fow small ar articles r r tides Ucles to mark tho the site There many miraculous escapes from death Tho The old baby bab of Mrs il rs R RS RS RS S Robinson was blown from the tho wo woo womans mans mang arms as she sho was hurrying to I cover corer carried across tao railroad tracks and deposited d on Oil a it vacant lot with no other Injury than a few COW slight lIght I cuts T The o mother was thrown down and badly cut by hy flying missiles Charles 19 I years cars old was pinioned beneath tile the timbers of the tho wrecked wr home It required a motor car jack anti and a number of men med mento mento to release the boy bor who was wa taken to C Independence nearby suffering Inter tin nn Injuries He cannot livo Miss aged 61 Gl sustained a l broken arm while fleeing to a place of safety Mr and Mrs Tames James an aged couple were caught In tile tho wreck around their homo home and Injured tho the woman fatally |