Show lI iLl II I Examiner and Journal Sub Subscribers Subscribers Subscribers scribers should shot d call phones NO 6 BOTH BOTn PHONES C J Jo A LINDQUIST UNDERTAKER AKER PROMPT SERVICE MODERATE PRICES BOTH PHONES I t I W ADS BRING BIG DIG 1 I II 1 I Every Detail of ofa a I HANAN I SHOE will viII bear the closest scrutiny i Well stake our reputation on Hanan quality J DEE STANFORD SnOB SHOE CO J t oro J JI I TO HAVE RAVE AND TO HOLD HOLDI I It is one thing to have money mone y but It Is another thing to retain ret in it itI t f Many M ny young men who arc earning good salaries could save much more money if they would VI be economical 1 In their expend expenditures expendItures expenditures To have and to hold public confidence a man should not cease his kin efforts to save A n account with the Commercial Na National National National bank will be of such great help to you that you will hold It as one of your strongest assets and nd constantly endeavor to in increase increase j crease your funds Four Per Cent Interest Paid on onI Savings Accounts I tO IAL I l I Capital C lIK 1 Surplus Profits UTAH r H J T u Io Ha Embroidery Saie Sae Starts Monday Corset Cover Embroidery Embroidery Bands SOc Embroidery Flouncing Embroidery Flouncing J Jj j I HALF PRICE SUIT SUT SALE SAIl Suits Sits at Ha ce I LAST THOMAS THONAS 7 7 I h C Cst st liI r kr IF YOU SEEK R RELIABILITY LIABILITY E J Jin 1 in fit in style in Ji 1 lJ I lasting quality and f i true economy in buy buying buying j f ing no clothes hes in inthe inU 1 U the world will serve t you like 4 ad i iStein i Stem Stein f i Bloch 1 r Smart Clothes I We believe in them t we sell them They 1 tI V are the best and andI I they solve s lve for you a ai difficult problem i I j that of stylish sty Ii s h clothes for men of c moderate moderato income 1 1 I I J JFRED FRED M NYE COo j jI 2413 WASHINGTON AVE I If I f JY Y I |