Show I GAMBLING AT RACE TRACKS New Ne York May 10 Believing that gambling at nt the race tracks will bo ho beas hoa as a flagrant this summer as before tho the passage of oC tho the laws Taws Dis District District Attorney Clark and his assistant nt Robert Hobert 11 II Elder Eldor of or Brooklyn BrookIn Kings county announced last lant night that they would Immediately apply to the tho court of appeals the highest court in tho the state tato for a final Interposition of e recent statute Gambling on the r cos was found by b detectives to lo be bo open to lo all nil who could Identify themselves at Belmont Delmont Park Thursday Tho The of oC Kings s county count In which are located snoops head hend Bay lift and anti other Important tracks were worl led ed by b this condition to belIeve eIlOo 1 that oral bookmaking would flourish despite the law The contention of tho the law said sald Mr Ir Elder Eld r speaking of oC the Gaynor decision was that to lay la odds oral orally orally ly 13 for Cor the purpose of getting bets bels Is bookmaking The court holds bolds that there hero must ho he writing of oC sort but bilL it does not specify whether tile tho writing must mu t be of or olds odds or what It leaves thus thun the tho real r nl point of the ease case undecided d We Ve arc trying to find out If It Il wore necessary to record tho odds odd to make the tue act acl lug Ing in g gIf If Il this decision stands there thero Is fear Cear that the tho provision ot of o the tho th constitution will tn tit nullified If H gambling Is not a crime without tome some writing or recording then the tho bookmakers can shout the odds and make m ke oral bets bels at will This Tills would enable them to lr do business on a very ery largo large scale Tho Indications at the tho Belmont Dolmon t Park track tend t to this fear I understand that Mr Ir Belmont Delmont was asked to lo stop this The fact tact that ha he hadid h did not noL show that tho the gamblers are arc areto to tc l take advantage of tho tue decisions of C the tho court to lo the tho utmost Tin The friends of order toll tell mo me thai thit they have han not lost faith In the court of appeals however The Tho racing m men n have hae organized a press bureau to try lr to lo manufacture a l public sentiment I Ido Itlo Ido do not net think however that tho the people can cnn be fooled Cooled Tho The real ical enemy ot of liberty Is tho man who would substitute tute tuto his own owa way war for tho the way a of the tho law |