Show I Origin of Names Name of Breeds Spaniels were so called because tho original breed of this thic type came from I Spain The Blenheim spaniel got his name from Blenheim palace where this dog first gained popularity In tho ho time of tho the great duko duke of oC Marlborough In the same ame way the tho King Charles spaniel owes Its name to the merry merIJ monarch Fox terriers did not Dot gain their names from a likeness to o 0 the tho fox but from the tho fact that formerly they thoy were used In bunting hunting fo foxes es 09 Many Man years ago they wore sent by their masters rs down hewn tho the foxs foxa burrow to draw and kill their quarry It was In those these days das a saying that a good fox terrier never came out of a burrow without tho the fox He lie either olther brought out his hie prey proy pro dead or never nover came camo out alive allo himself elf |