Show i EVEN EVE SALOONS WILL BE Bf CLOSED TO TOSo TUESDAY So successful has been heen the Ute commit committee I i tee In charge of the time arrangements for day next Tuesday at the therace therace I race meeting of time the Ogden association association tion ion now in progress that Friday Frida i time the proprietors of many ninny saloons at nt attached I their helm names to time the which has hns boon so 50 signed to lQ close from 2 to 1 Present Indications are arc that hint time the at al will break every Utah roe rac racing lug ing record The TIme lending leading wholesale houses and manufactories including the thc Cattily Candy company compan I yesterday I led to close de dc department dePart Part possible during the time hours I named earned the time object being to Og Ogden 01 den dan day tiny the tho one ono best event of tho the thorace I I Irace race meeting TIme The millinery stores will also close I |