Show fELTIN fELT IN MONTANA TOWNS Helena Mont May Maj ra 15 At 9 15 tonight an art earthquake shock several Ial seconds was felt feU here helf The Tue only damage reported is 15 at the tho residence of or Herman Paul PattI where the tho lie front fr nt retaining wall vahl of o tho the house was thrown down by hy lie tho shock The wall was ten feet high and ami two feet feel thick Great Falls Mont lont May Mar 15 A dis drs distinct earthquake e shock was felt relt here this evening at and n L was also felt felL at t Chateau Havre Wag fas lieI iier and other points at the same tine time showing that It IL prevailed generally over oer northern Montana While no se EC serious rious damage was as done the shock was sufficient lo to throw things from toni shelves in stores ani an there was wa some bicak breal age of ci glassware Winnipeg Man lan Ian May Maj 15 A some somewhat somewhat somewhat what severe earth tremor was felt fell in III Winnipeg tonight al at 10 17 Ii last lasting lastIng t tIns ing Ins about twenty seconds The move moe movement ment was from north to lo south The TIle shock was also felt at Swift Current and at Lanigan Sask miles much west vest Reports from froni Wo burn and an I Moose Taw Jaw state that the tremor was sufficient cleat to shako shake articles artiche off mantels It seems to have boon been felt between Moose Jaw and this city elt as far north northIS as Us the Saskatchewan river over oer 30 10 points having been reported rop up lip to midnight I |