Show HAS NARROW NARRON ESCAPE Heavy Piece of Timber Comes Nearly Crushing Out Life Ufe Unable to Get out of Way G E Bowers Southern Pacific Em Severely Injured Brakeman G E Bowers employed on a work train on the lie cutoff was brought Into the city Fri Friday FrIda FrIday day da morning suffering from Injuries received about tho tbt face and head Ho He was employed around the train while whilo a gang of men wore unloading heavy piles and one of these rolled from a flat fiat car cr and struck flowers Dowers he be before fore foro he could get gel out of tho ho way It was a narrow escape from frow death and andas ns as it was the brakeman received In Injuries Injuries Injuries juries that will keep him hini out of train service for a time at least After his Injuries were temporarily treated at the tho Emergency hospital Bowers was sent up to tho the General hospital His friends are aru congratulating him himon himon himon on his escape from death loath and the fact that ho was riot not crushed by tile the heavy heay timber ti r |