Show a r a G fI I 1 III I 1 II I I a r 0 0 nl I IJ i 0 J r 0 o f 1 STORES r f C J JA A a r 1 G t r rY r rv t r i Y t 1 I J b lJ I v t r i I If II III J I 1 P Tomorrow the Yr C 11 I I p s day 7 D 1 D Q 2 I I J Of f that i Q ey Or Ort I ii t a Li I Do O r 1 f In ar a e 1 I I LI I 1 Q S h Spring Brides and un o t This sale includes the kind of muslin underwear I f which s will wiH be bc bethe wanted by b the tl e girls who graduate and for forI I the trousseau of the Spring brides Sonic Some of the pieces arc are surprisingly fine and the thc prices for this quality q alit o of I lingerie ore Ire surprisingly low lowI I j I Any of This lot for I 1 a p Corset Covers Bishop Style daintily trimmed with lace and bl a insertion to match natch baby babe buh ribbon drawn through beading at top to Ir r I made of or good material extra lull III worth 50 each oh sale sol price 15 Nol Not more than two to a it customer I I Drawers made modo of or good quality of or cambric full lull lawn j 15 flounce with a neatly hemstitched hem and andI I I cluster of or tucks Two to a customer Regu Regular C lar values for forI I i i 1111 a I IH II 0 1 o OUR STOCK INCLUDED Some muslin n underwear sales Consist of cheap stuff made carelessly of inferior muslins and in order that the Ilic prices offered may be he low not so with this sale There are arc in this lot pieces of underwear as fine flue as you Jou could wish Our entire stock is to be hc included and we weare weare are arc justly proud of the fact that our regular stock is second to none in the state slate of Utah For these now elegant garments we will ask a n much lower price I i 1 HI f fI l This lot LoL for Gowns made of cambric high neck styles st yoke oke tucked with two Tows rows of oC embroidery insertion set it and finished at neck and sleeves with hemstitched ruffle rume regular price DOc special sJ price 50 Drawers umbrella style tyl five inch embroidery flounce with cluster of small tucks choice of oC open or 01 closed regular values for lir 50 Corset Gorsel Covers Bishop Style St IC three rows of insertion an in m front m and bade back with vi It baby buhy ribbon run between n finished with ith fine lint lace ace edge c gc also several other styles stIes st les to o choose from regular values for fOl 50 Skirt full flare skirt of good god material lawn flounce trimmed ll with tucks insertion and edging to match special price 50 Short Underskirt cambric c top lawn flounce fin finished finished with small tucks lucks and md good embroidery 50 edging regular values for III III II 00 1191 0 II 0 11 C M Fil C I UG OP See the Windows r a Qt Today TOlay these garments are to be he seen in III the corner k window where they have been on exhibition the whole j R week The comment which has been created by 1 the ex cx exceptionally G l f fF b bar k high lugh character o of the merchandise has already al F r ready advertised the sale extensively and we wc look for fOI some unusual crowds trowels during the week The sale begins beg mo me moat meat at nine nine clock 0 L IJ A Skirt Skirl umbrella stile st le top is n made of j g good quality qualify it lawn flounce with will two flusters clusters of small tucks tudes Iud and an nn eight inch lich r r t ruffle of beautiful embroidery regular 2 values for 98 f 1 l WJ Gowns GOW several styles to chose from high and low neck styles also 1180 with long or short sleeves embroidery crY err or ur lace trimmed regu U lar values up to for Corset Covers made c of talc line lawn five hta rows of good val v al lace uc insertion with wash ribbons ribbon run through Q lt h beading shoulder s er straps of or f ribbon also al o several other styles st to choose from iron worth up to 50 for Drawer fine fin cambric umbrella style with fine tine lawn for 01 r flounce finished with Torchon l Lace and in insertion insertion 98 C I fw o ov to match regular 10 values for L II 11 Wl came r p iJ nt mate B R BOWMAN Pros Pres and nd Mgr I PAUL M LEE Secretary S I II I f Wasatch i 1 Printing r Co Cop Cof 9 f p f r r p Incorporated A good printing shop doing extra good printing Bell Phone Corner Tv and Rod Washington I I r f t I Th fn Fresh frh mi miC made madeI d c cAa I Aa I O r Efi i I I Cho Choi ChoHan i i I Ti Han HaD HaDJ I C I 1 J Salt Ta Table Tr Trains 0 D a D a II 1106 Q a Tr Traina I 10 n R a 25 P Prot rot prea WA WANT V NT i r i 1 i 66 Boost 99 Wear Ogden Pins P I Wo 10 havo special degl s 1 In InI n I Ogden Ogdon Pins Pills and an line fine enameled en 1 Buttons which will not only adron your our person pcr on but adver advertise tise tso Ogden Og cn Ogden Ogdon Od n pins pinG up upI t I O 0 H S pins f up City corporation seal pins pine p nJ at t t t J S LEWIS GO Jewelers k 1 r i i II 11 q I WANT WAN ADS BRING BIG RESULTS I 1 J I r h ha a L L I It IL WANT ADS BRING BIG n t JT |