Show Ogden Briefs Eating Hesss Hens Bread Bre you ou are sure aur aurIn In got g getting ting the tho clean wholesome stall staff of or lifo Passes to Fair Ground Ground Stock Stockholders holders passes are arc good at nt the race raco racetrack racetrack track but bill must not nol bo be misused ml sell Gate Gale Gatekeepers keepers will w III take up all passes pre presented by other than rightful owners Each pass IB Is good for tor only or and lady lad That Good Coal 2000 pounds to the tho ton Rock Springs Clear Cloar Creek and n d Castle Gate Ogden Coal Co 2121 Washington avenue Both phones 2000 False F AI A false also alarm at nt the gas plant Friday ay called tho the fire firemen firemen firemen men from station No 1 In double quick run nun False lire fire alarms are aro al altogether altogether altogether together too frequent in the thO city Chief Chlo Paine Paino says that thal he would like to bo be beable able to solve tho the problem of oC putting a stop to those th abuses Wo We make mako hectographs OGDEN OF OFFICE OFFICE FICE SUPPLY CO street Were Here on a John Mar lIar Marwick Marwick wick cashier of f the tho Provo Slate hank bank and his hie wife have Itao been visiting Is lUng Og Ogden 01 Ogden den tien friends for a number of days das They The returned home Saturday Second hand typewriter for Cor sale OLDEN OGDEN OFFICE SUPPLY CO 1 1 street Important Meeting The boan of di directors directors directors rectors of the tho Ogden Union Depot Depol Railway company compan will hold an important Import Important ant meeting In Superintendent Man Ian Mansons Mansons sons local railroad headquarters Sun Sunday Sundar Sunday day dar morning Tho meeting Is 16 called calleJ for Cor 10 and It Il Is expected that all general g noral officers of or the tho company compan and directors will be bo present Matters Mat Matters of oC more than passing Interest will be bo brought up and new improvements Improve Improvements Improvements ments affecting the Harriman Interests Inter Interests Interests ests In this city will he bo under discus discussion discussion sion as well as reports from the tile su suo superintendent secretary auditor and treasurer If Il you ou drink drink Yellowstone General Manager Man General Manager E C E Calvin of oC the Southern Railroad company com pan led by hr Secretary King of the old Cen Central central Central Pacific Railroad company compan arrived from Crom San Francisco in tho private car Berkeley Friday and after greeting Ogden Osden friends briefly the thc two officials loft left for Cor Salt SaIL Lake Co groceries meats vegetables and seeds Pansy Pans plants a dozen the best hosl In tho rho city elt Job Jol Pingree Jr manager Death DC of Mrs Zimmerman Ellen Hannah Zimmerman of Lawrence Kansas mother molher of Mrs Dr S W Wherry and anil Mrs D II IL Adams dIed at al 1 clock this morning at al tho the r rl res residence s of Dr Wherry 2609 Madison aged 58 years Notice or funeral later Coal Rock Springs Castle Gate Gale and Clear Creek Crock Gillette Coal C al Co 1 3 West Wesl street Phones 1071 10 71 Burned Her Eye Mrs Carl MU eon In preparing to attend a party Friday afternoon stuck a hot curling iron Into her right eye oye C burning tho the eyeball chall A doctor was called who after aCter a careful examination announced ed el that thal the tho eyesight had not been Injured though it il was a n narrow os es escape cape From Lc Grande Factory Fred Taylor Talor formerly manager or tho the Le LeGrande J LeGrande Grande Grando sugar factory factor Lo La Grande Grando Ore Oregon Oregon Oregon gon was an OGden visitor having come hero here for Cor a n special conference with Superintendent L R Eccles of tho Amalgamated Sugar company Greeko Strange Action George a n Greek laborer was arrest arrested arrested arrested ed this morning by b Jailor Anderson and and Is 15 now in Inthe tho the cUr city Jail charged with Indecent exposure Complaint was telephoned from tho American Linen Supply com company compan company pany pan that a man was making a spec spectacle of or himself In that vicinity by bt b starting to undress In the tho sight of I several of the lady of or tho rho establishment Before BeCore the officers I reached the scene had made mado I his escape but was located at al the tho cornor corner of oC street and Wall avenue Ho He Is unable to speak Eng Ens English English lish and no explanation of or his acta acts was WIlS obtained It II Is thought that ho he hola hoIs heis Is la Insane Try Ir the Grill cafe Gt Cuisine and service unexcelled THORN THOR 1 McPHERSON Proprietors tors orB torsH Half H Holiday at Depot Tho clerks under Joint Freight fr Agent Chevers will ask for a half holiday on on Tues Tuesday day da which is Ogdon Ogden Day Dar Da at al the races If J you drink drink Yellow stone Peace Day Exercises On Sunday May 1611 at al 7 p m a peace penco meeting will be held In the tho Third ward moot meet meetIng mooting Ing In house L E will be b bethe tho the speaker Good Goal singing will Do no rendered The Tho public 1 Is Invited to at al attend attend tend Under tho the auspices of tho Re Relief Relief Relief lief Society and Y L M 31 l L A Soldiers Soldier on Special Train Tr Batteries C and aud D o oC tho the Fourth field artil artillery lery lor of the tho United d Stator States army anny will ar arrive rive from Crom San Francisco on a i special train of or eleven cloven cars this afternoon There will be seven leon commissioned of oC officers two field flold and en enlI listed lI men on tho the military train The troops are arc headed for Cor Fort o ort Russell Wo Wyo whore they will bo stationed during the summer months and will take part partin In tho the military Q of the tho state militia of or Utah Colorado C loraJo Ne No Nebraska N braska and South Dakota this season College Students Student on an Outing A special train from Provo 1 arrived arrival d at al tho rho Union Depot from rom the Uie south Friday and after a brief brior sojourn at nt Og Ogden O Odon Ogden den don rolled on northward to Logan Losan The train consisted of oC a n baggage car carand nod and six elx coaches conch os crowded to the limit with Brigham Young Yonn university stu student students tu dents dent and their friends out for or an en on enjoyable time Ume with college friends at atLo Logan Lo nn A handsomely uniformed band was on tho train and mirth hilarity and happiness prevailed The train left Logan for tor Provo at 1040 10 to last night |