Show I 1 IS CRUSHED 9 I 1 BENEATH AUTO Salinas Cal May lay 15 Twelve hours before ho he was cm CI to death beneath his overturned O automobile the th rumor spread through this city that Percy Morse a it young joung seed grower glower gro el laid hurl Neon been Milled killed mi on the road roal between lucre liere and amid a Late 1111 e yesterday just twelve t hours after I the rumor rancor mOl was circulated florae lorse was found fatally crushed ih 11 beneath hell nth his hits I wrecked machine m But In hi the flue mean meantime meantime time had hail driven Ir h en n into town in I his machine to disprove the th rumor After circulating about for 01 some time timeto to show his that he was really he departed alone alono in III the car cal for fOl Watsonville and a few fo hours later laer ho was t found dying underneath his overturned d automobile The rime tragic death of Morse lors coupled with tho time rumor which preceded it has caused much excitement lucre here Church Nicknames In China 1 Chinese converts con to Christianity recognize distinctions in tho the common faith albeit sects and aud schisms are contrary to their national traditions Tho The description of oC Quakers as ns No wash society Anglicans as Little wash wash society and Baptists B aa as wash society has hRS of course regard to tho the administration of oC baptism In the tho three communities but other othor salient points frequently form tho die basis of o title Thus Thu to tf Celestial Christians aro known ns as a the lime Ono good an shun othor society as Hand shakers in of or n f the cus tom of oC their t social gatherings while Presbyterians figure as Vornon society Pure Puro Iron it at Last La t Ch Clr pure Iron has never Hor boon been ed until very ory recently rec it has hils been Jern found almost impossible to ro roo mo the last traces of or Impurities es 1 pe pc ally of sulphur But a Gorman Coi ruan Dr H I has ha finally mall malla y a long series of ot Ingenious s pro processes partly parti chemical and partly electrical succeeded in isolating tho the pure metal the properties of o which ho reports to differ greatly from Crom those of oC the impure iron that we wo know l n 0 Iron prepared by hr Kreusler process reborn bios blob platinum 1 1 BANK ROBBER TAKEN TO JAIL UNDER HEAVY GUARD Lamar Colo Cole May Mar 15 Henry Starr arrested in Bouse Arizona on tho the charge of robbing the tho bank at Amity Colorado Colora o in July last reached here last night and was takemi to the county count jail under tinder heavy guard gnarl Starr Stan was In the custody of or Sheriff S oriff Simpson of Lamar and amid Detective Fen Fenton Fenton ton of Arizona who stated statHI that thal the trip had been without Incident During Durin yesterday several nice men rode into Lamar Lalli from Crom the southern port Hart of the county count where whet e a the Stan gang formerly flourished Local Lucal officers however howe er any atty an possible at aI attempt atI tempt to rescue Starr by h having a I heavily armed posse at nt tho the station to convey tho Iho prisoner to jail Composite Beauty BC The classical face which Is the tho model In art nit is according to the Ilia th analysis analysis sis of a recent writer an Ideal concep lion tion combining the largest numbe of oC good proportions It Is a u composite of perfect individual features I r Helen of IK Is I Argos a n depiction repletion of per pOI personal beauty In which are Ir combined I I the charms of thC five beautiful virgins of oC that time s Venus unites I the beauty of 60 different women Annie Wolf In her work Tho The Truth I About Abort Beauty says gars The best bO t recipe I have hao ever seen for complete bodily splendor Is to study Greek Greck for forthe forthe forthe the head English for Cor tho the complexion Irish for Cor the hands hand American for or the finger nails nalls for the feet and Spanish for Cor the tho salt gait aIL NoW Nov the sumo composite principle obtains in inthe Inthe the classical face faco Reo Times Change A gr great at change has passed pam crl OTer us of late Into years with regard to tho time man manors ors tJ of dally life Tho Time boy bo of or early c Victorian days dars wu wae a creature cre ture He Ha called hie hla parents sir and madam and would never have dreamed of ot starting s a 1 conversa conversation ion tion at nt table and scarcely of Joining in It IL Ho IJo cause In to dessert and was given his hi glass of or wino wine on condition that he made his hi gray grave little bow to I each ench of oC the company In turn an nn object lesson in precedence which was posse pos t bly bl useful to him In later ilter years but hut must have hn been heen unspeakably trying Lr at nt atthe atthe the dome One would not wish to roo oo tho the ss of those times I revived but bill It is possible that wo we aio aua inclined to err In the opposite direction Jon tion by b 03 forgetting that respect Is duo duoto ci o oto to our relations ns as much ts IS It Is to t our DUr friends to Dato i 1 I J Y t |