Show Kansas City May a 15 Between thirty and forty fort persona person were Injured some of them thorn probably fatally by the wreck of Chicago Alton passenger train No 14 H near Odessa Od Mo 0 this morning The train which left Kan iCan Kansas Kansas sas City at this morning was a local hound bound l und for Bloomington Ills Tho dangerously hurt huit Mrs Mary Marv Cox and two daughters of Stillwell Okla Okia Miss Agnes Agnos Donaldson Odessa Mo 10 will probably die Miss Alvin Stewart Steart Odessa Mrs irs M II C Moore Columbia Mo 10 Myrtle McNeil Odessa arm broken Mrs Richard Powell Odessa Olessa MIss Vera Hammond Odessa The wreck happened at Walnut row school house two miles east of Odes Odos Odessa sa The cause causo of the accident is un unknown unknown known The track was torn up for a distance of or feet feeL The train was as made mado up of three cars and antI the engine All An the lie cars anti and the tender left the track The Phe rear car turned over two or 01 three times and an I numbers were hurt in this car None NOlle of 01 the passengers In the smoking car cai was wa Injured Those of tho the crew and the passengers not hurt Immediately Imme set sel to work giving the aid to the tue Injured In response to a telephone message sent from a neighboring house all the physicians In Odessa were vere rushed to tho the scene while a are re relief lief train was as started out of Kansas City All An kinds of vehicles were pressed Into 1110 service at Odessa and the Injured were taken into that city and ando to o farm houses housos skirting the track The sufferers Ie 18 were cared for In the hotels and In private homes h The of ninny many man were confined to cuts and bruises Propitiating the Weather Tn in Macedonia the tho Greeks Grf S organize great ns In hy y v summers Bummers A procession of o children visits 1811 all the local wells and springs accompanied by b a 1 maiden covered with garlands and of flowers This sounds as romantic as our Queen of the May Mn and It could stir Bur surprise prise no one ono If Ir like hike hero heroine Joe ine she came to a sad Had end for tor at each of the stopping places the poor dear Is drenched with water while the children sing fling a rhyming prayer for rain World Magazine Magazino I |