Show DETERMINED EFFORT BEING MADE TO BREAK STRIKE Honolulu May 15 1 A determined del ef cf effort effort fort Is being mado mallo to break tho the strike of the lie Japanese plantation laborers of whom more moro than LImn have walked I out ont to lo enforce demands demand for increased vagOs Six hundred strike breakers composed of Hawaiian Portuguese o oPorto Porto Porte and Chinese have havo been put to work Wont in the largo large mill on the tue I Honolulu plantation grinding cane which already hind had been cut when the Japanese went out on strike rho Tho mills on the Ewa and Oahu planta plantations plantations are arc still idle III Ie but it is expected that the lie latter will resume grinding Monday So far ar no disorder has haR ha marked the strike and tho UIO Japanese I have aae conducted themselves Peaceably Ileac Two fires broke out JUt on llio thio Ewa Esa plant plantation alma atlon Friday night nl ht but there was noth nothing lug ing In to Indicate that they the were wore Incendiary diary dlan In both hoth instances tho the fire was waR extinguished before be foro any damage was lone done The Tho Japanese merchants association tion iou will l ask the tho planters to make mako some borne concession to lie Uie striking labor laborers laborera ers era lr and ami grant them some soma increase In I their wages |